TVET Colleges
TVET Colleges (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) are public tertiary institutes offering a wide range of practical training options for people with or without matric. Funding is available for TVET courses through the government NSFAS scheme. Courses are practical and relevant to the community making participants highly employable.
- There is government funding available for TVET courses through NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) bursary and loans.
- TVET colleges will help you with your application for funding, providing you with a computer, internet access, scanner and copier and assistance if required.
- Funding can assist with the cost of course fees, transport, stationery, text books and some living expenses. You will be funded for the following year as long as you pass 50% of your subjects.
Useful Skills
- TVET Colleges are community based. They do research into what skills are needed in your community and they offer training in these skills. This means that there are jobs available for people who study at TVET College. Often these skills are called “scarce skills”.
- TVET courses are practical. Whilst you do spend some time in the classroom learning, much of the learning takes place in a real work place. You already have work place experience when you finish your course so you are more employable than someone who only has classroom based learning.
Options Without Matric
- TVET colleges have options for study for people who have completed Grade 9 and there is no restriction on age. You can get your matric certificate at college. It is a practical career focused matric called the National Vocational Certificate. There are also other certificates you can study for without matric.
- There are certificate and diploma courses available at college for people who have completed matric (NQF levels 4,5,6).
- TVET courses are accredited. This means that they are widely recognized in terms of employment and further study. Private colleges often offer non-accredited courses. They are expensive and do not open doors to further study.
How to Apply
- Find your nearest college.
- Phone the college and ask to make an appointment with a Careers Advisor. The appointment is free. The careers advisor will do a careers test with you to help you find the right study area. You will also write a language and maths test. The career advisor will then help you choose the right course for you.
- You will complete an application either at the college or online and you will also complete an application to NSFAS. Look here for how to apply to NSFAS.
- NSFAS applications close at the end of November.
Hi. I failed my matric last year (2017) and I want to study teaching and finish my matric. Is it possible for me be taken at TVET College. Am from Eastern Cape but no I am in Cape town, Delft. Am 20 years. I really need to further my studies this year l.
Hi, It will take you three years to get a matric through TVET. As you passed Grade 11 already, you may be better off to either go back to school or to find an adult matric centre and just re-do your Grade 12. To find out about matric at TVET, go to Northlink or Cape College. To find an adult rewrite, go to your nearest library or community centre and ask. To go back to school, take your Grade 11 report and your transfer papers from your high school and register for school for 2019. All the best, Kath
Good evening
I’m Naz, I was at a TVET college from 2014-2016. I studied tourism and received awards first and second year for top achiever . Unfortunately due to some unforseen circumstances I failed one main subject by 6%. Leaving me without a qualification . I however don’t have any financial income. I’ve had part time jobs here and there but nothing stable with my qualifications. I’m so desperate for another opportunity to prove myself.
Thank You
Hi Nazeema, Did you have NSFAS funding? If so, you should be able to apply to NSFAS to do that subject again as long as your average marks were over 50%. Kath
Hi i have ABET LEVEL4 certificate and i would like to study further but don’t know what to do please help I’m in johhansburg.
Hi, ABET 4 is equivalent to NQF1 (grade 9). So you can study NQF2. Sometimes this is written as N2. Your options are to do a vocational matric (N2-4). This will give you a matric certificate with career oriented subjects. You have to check with your nearest TVET college to see what they offer. You can also do an N2 certificate in a trade. If you make an appointment with a career guidance counsellor at the college they will assess you for your study interests and abilities and give you some options. The appointment is free. You can also do an online quiz to help you work out which area to look at: All the best, Kath
hi i have passed my grade 9 i would like to study at college. because of my age i cant go back to school am currently in intern cape i do not no what can i do please help me i would also like the bursary
Hi, You have commented on a blog. Did you read the blog? If not, please do read it. You can study at a TVET college and get funding through NSFAS. You should make an appointment at your nearest college now and they will help you select a course and complete the applications. All the best, Kath
Hi, We are not a teaching college. Sorry. Kath
TVET college has announced a lot of jobs and learning opportunities in past. I have also seen this
actually it is an internship program or a learning program, that would have been availed by interested candidates.
Hi, I’m Itumeleng, from Limpopo..I failed my matric in 2017 and unfortunately I couldn’t go back to school last year because of sickness…i really want to pass my matric and I would like to complete it in TVET colleges…but am from a poor background.
Hi, You can still go back to school or you can go to a TVET college and do a vocational matric (NCV). This certificate is equivalent to the National Certificate from school but it introduces career focused subjects, making it easier for you to get a job when you finish. The NCV is funded by NSFAS so you won’t have to pay fees. Your nearest TVET college can help you apply to NSFAS and also help you choose a career focus. There is information about TVET colleges here: All the best, Kath
Hi That’s a really good option. He can apply now for TVET for a National Vocational Certificate. He can also apply for funding through NSFAS. The college will help with the application. All the best, Kath
My son failed Grd 11, would like to continue his studies through TVEt, we are in Centurion.
How and where to start to get him started.
Hi Tshwane South is your nearest campus. Contact them and ask for an appointment with the careers advisor. They will help your son to select an appropriate course for his interests and abilities. They can also assist with funding through NSFAS. All the best, Kath
Hi, can my TVET subject (level 4) be credited towards my adult matric?
Hi, Level 4 is equivalent to matric. It depends on what you want to study next whether you can use it. If you want to discuss, please whatsapp me 061 390 4470. Kath
Hi my name is yandipha and I want to upgrade my matric results. I want to upgrade them in TVEt college. How and where do I start.
Hi Yandipha, TVET colleges don’t offer matric upgrades. Please contact the Second Chance Program - All the best, Kath
Good Day, My son failed his grade 11. Can he continue his studies at a TVET college to get a matric certificate.
How long will it take and where is the closest college to Brakpan on the east rand.
Thank you.
Hi, Yes he can do the National Vocational Certificate at a TVET College. It will take 3 years. He should go and register today because classes start next week. Funding is availabe from NSFAS and the college can assist with the application. Your nearest college is: Ekurhuleni East TVET College, Sam Ngema Rd, 700 Scheme, Springs. All the best, Kath
Hi, I did not pass my Grade 10 in 2019 but would like to pursue an engineering course at Westcol. How long will this course be and Is this the right move
Hi, You can start with your N1 in Engineering. You will complete N1 and N2 in the same year and then take the trade test and get an apprenticeship. OR you can apply for the National Diploma and continue studying to N6, another 3 years. You will need to take an entrance test where they will check that you are academically ready and that you are interested in the course content. They will make recommendations to you if they don’t think you are ready or if they think another course will suit you better. The first thing to do is to make an appointment for the assessment. Have a look at this link for details. Allt he best, Kath
Hi. I’m glad I came across this blog. My child is currently in Gr 10, 2 yrs behind as she should now be in Gr 12. She’s of average IQ but I see that it bothers her that her mates are now in higher grades. Early this year she spoke to me about going to college the following year to do Mine Engeneering but I discouraged her with the mentality that it is better for her to first achieve matric. Was I inconsiderate or perhaps mistaken to say that Gr 12 certificate is a necessity? Also would she be able to get funding from NSFAS if she doesn’t have a matric certificate?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Hi, TVET college could be a really good option for your daughter. She can do a National Vocational Certificate (NVC) which is equivalent to matric but vocationally focused. It takes 3 years. She’ll find there are plenty of older learners in this course and it is funded by NSFAS. The vocational orientation depends on your area. The second option is a NATED or trade course. These courses have different entry points, end Grade 9, 10 or 11. You will see that the courses have NQF or sometimes N (for short) levels. This stands for National Qualification Framework. Passing Grade 9 gives you N1, Grade 10, N2 etc. If you want to register for an N3 course, you need N2 (grade 10). Very few TVETs offer mine engineering but if you are in a mining area then this will likely be an option. Most of the trade courses are also covered by NSFAS. If you let me know where you live, I can find your nearest college and advise you on options. You can contact me on whatsapp 061 390 4470. All the best, Kath
I had meant Grade 12 not grade 10
Also what is the nearest TVET college closer to Dobsonville, Soweto South West Gauteng TVET. There are three campuses near you. They will each have different courses. All the best, Kath
I failed grde 11 2012 so iwant finish school also idont have school report so what must i do ihave part time job
good day,
my son who is now 17 failed grade 10 but completed grade 9 with poor marks, he has been at home for 1 year now and this is his 2nd year at home, i need advice on my best options as he very poor when it comes to academics but is very good with his hands and especially good with cars and engines. i wanted to apply to tvet colleges but am unsure now, what would you suggest, also bearing in mind that my finances are not too good either. thank you.
Hi, he certainly can apply for TVET and they will also assist him to apply for funding from NSFAS. If you go now you can apply for second semester. They will assess him both academically and also career interests and advise him about course selection. Ask to see the careers advisor on the campus. All the best, Kath
thank you, I am from Verulam in Durban, KZN, please do you know which college i can try at.
Hi I I passed 3 subjects in Abet level 4 I want to register @ tvet will they accept me?
Hi, You need to pass 6 subjects at ABET 4 to get the NQF 1 rating and get into a TVET. If you are an older learner the TVET may treat you differently. You would need to ask their admissions directly. All the best, Kath
I passed O level in Zimbabwe with 5 subjects without maths,I would like to study civil engineering at a tvet college,will they accept me without maths? Thanks.
Hi, They will likely get you to complete an assessment to check that you are able to manage maths at the required level. I suggest you phone admissions and ask them directly. All the best, Kath
Hi I did my matric in 2009 and failed two subjects can I still write those subjects in 2020
Hi, Unfortunately not as the syllabus has changed. However, if you are hoping to study further you might find that the course you apply for takes into account your work experience and ability and is less focused on your matric results. This is called an age exemption. All the best, Kath
Hey I just wanted to asking that can I be able to study my matric cause the last grade I did is grade 10 and did finish my 11 will I be able to be funded? Thank you
Hi, NSFAS will fund you to study your matric at at TVET college. The college can help you with the application to study and also the application for funding. All the best, Kath
Hi’i would like to know is it possible for me to join your collage i didn’t finish my matric in 2008 no i need to study And get certificate please advise
Hi, We are a maths scholarship organisation. You can do adult matric through Brainline (online) or UNISA offer bridging courses (distance learning) or some communities have adult matric classes. All the best, Kath
Hi I am in Durban and I’m scared due to the lockdown I might fail my grade 11 will you guys take me if I fail my grade 11
Hi Zein, You can register at TVET college even if you fail Grade 11. It is a hard year for everyone. All the best, Kath
Hi… I have passed grade 10 but did not finish grade 11…can I do my matric at TVET College? I am at Potchefstroom
Hi, You can do a vocational matric at TVET college, it takes 3 years. Alternatively you can register online with Brainline for an adult matric. The TVET course is funded by NSFAS but Brainline is private so you would have to pay. All the best. Kath
Hi, is it possible to do engineering courses with abet level 4 at TVET colleges?
Hi, Yes there are some N2-6 Engineering courses available at TVET. They are funded by NSFAS. NSFAS is open for applications now and TVETs are also open for applications. All the best, Kath
Hi, I’m Sesethu Thyalithi From Delmas Mpumalanga And I’m 23 Years Old I Have Passed Grade 10 And Grade 11 But I Couldn’t Finish My Grade 12 Due To Personal Issues So I Wan’t To Apply For TVET Collage And I Want To Study Around Pretoria Which Collage Is Around Pretoria I Don’t Want To
Complete My Matric Because That Will Take Me 3 Years I Want To Study A Course But I Don’t Know Which Course I Need A Career Advice On That One Please Help Thank You
Hi Sesethu. Yes, you are able to study at a TVET college without a Matric qualification. There are several Colleges in the Pretoria Area that you could attend. I am wondering why you have chosen Pretoria – do you have somewhere to stay there? You are eligible for funding through NSFAS for most TVET courses (not Beauty) and they are open for applications now. There is a careers questionnaire that might help you at If you need help finding a college please whatsapp me on 061 390 4470. All the best, Lana.
Okay thanks,even though I don’t have mathematics and science I qualify for electrical engineering? Because I did maths lit, English,LO,EMS, information communication and technology and ancillary
If you make an appointment at the college you want to go to, they will assess you and tell you if you will be able to manage electrical engineering.
I want to do my matric and have a grade 9 report
Can i apply at this college
Hi, Yes you can do your matric at a TVET college. It is the National Vocational Certificate (NVC). It takes three years and you are eligible with your Grade 9 results. You can also apply for funding from NSFAS. Both NSFAS and TVET colleges are open now for applications. All the best, Kath
Hi I also have grade 9 I didn’t finish my grade 10 due to pregnancy in 2011 and I wanna join TVET to get my matric so is it possible for me and how do I apply?
Hi. If you have Gr 9 you can do a National Vocation Certificate (NVC) at a TVET college and NSFAS will fund you. You can also do other certificate courses at TVET college and NSFAS will fund, but not for beauty. They will also fund a diploma course after a certificate course but not a second certificate. All the best, Lana
Hi iwant to ask if u dont have matric is it possible to do matric and other course.does nsfas fund u for both
Hi. If you have Gr 9 you can do a National Vocation Certificate (NVC) at a TVET college and NSFAS will fund you. You can also do other certificate courses at TVET college and NSFAS will fun, but not for beauty. They will also fund a diploma course after a certificate course but not a second certificate course. All the best, Kath.
My sister dropped out of Grade 12 this year before trial because corona virus, she doesn’t want go back to school next year. Can she apply at TVET College to complete her Matric next year? The focus is to get her a Matric certificate.
Hi. You can get your matric certificate at college. It is a practical career focused matric called the National Vocational Certificate but it takes three years. As you passed Grade 11 already, you may be better off to either go back to school or to find an adult matric centre and just re-do your Grade 12. To find out about matric at TVET, go to Northlink or Cape College. To find an adult rewrite, go to your nearest library or community centre and ask. To go back to school, take your Grade 11 report and your transfer papers from your high school and register for school for 2021. All the best, Lana
Hi I have grade 9 and I wanna do my matric, is it possible and how do I apply?
Hi. If you have Gr 9 you can do a National Vocation Certificate (NVC) at a TVET college and NSFAS will fund you. You can also do other certificate courses at TVET college and NSFAS will fund, but not for beauty. They will also fund a diploma course after a certificate course but not a second certificate. All the best, Lana
My sister failed her grade 10 we want to apply for her at a tvet college but she lost her grade 9 report.what can we do?
Hello. You can as the school, they should still have a copy of her Grade 9 report. Failing that, contact the Dept of Education and ask them for assistance. All the best, Lana