Should I Change to Maths Literacy? Making the Big Decision.

Maths Literacy or Maths? How do I decide?  If you are thinking about this, you are probably in Grade 10 or 11 and maths is not working out for you.  This doesn’t mean you haven’t worked hard.  There are all sorts of reasons why we struggle to make friends with maths.   Here are some questions […]

Teacher Troubles – Survival Strategies

With the very many subject teachers involved in teaching the high school curriculum, it is likely that all students will face teacher troubles at some time.  Our first blog  gave practical steps to help you identify and resolve teacher troubles.  However this process may take some time during which your marks may well start to suffer.   Whilst you are trying to figure things out with your teacher, you will still need to pass your class.  At no point is it OK to point at a terrible mark and blame your teacher.  Your marks are YOUR responsibility.   So here are some bad teacher survival ideas: Read more

Teacher Troubles – My Teacher Can’t Teach!

As a scholarship organisation with 110 kids in 12 schools, we get to hear about teacher troubles a lot.  The reality is that over the course of your high school life, you are going to have around 30 teachers and whilst some will be great and others will not.  What can you do?

Step 1:  Is this just me?

Start by evaluating your own behaviour.  Are you turning up to class on time?  Are you neat and respectful?  Are you participating in class, asking and answering questions?  Do you put your best effort into your homework?   If your behaviour and attitude are not up to scratch then this will affect how the teacher responds to you.  Teachers are more likely to interact with students who are motivated and positive about learning.  If you and your teacher are stuck in a negative cycle of interactions, it is up to you to change them.  Tidy up your appearance and behaviour and see if the problem goes away.

Step 2: Or is this the teacher? Read more

Brain Health – Back to Basics

Feeling tired?  Having trouble concentrating?  Memory seems to have holes in it?  Can’t think of the answer to things you thought you knew?  May be it’s time for a brain health check!

Our brains are truly amazing thinking organs, able to adapt and grow, process multiple pieces of information at any one time.  Over 100 billion neurons act as virtually instant message carriers, if you piled up that many pieces of paper, the pile would be over 8000 kilometers high!  To keep your brain working in optimal condition, it requires looking after.  Here are some back to basics – brain health tips. Read more

Memory Works – Part 2

Our previous blog explained how working memory enables us to process information moment by moment.  This blog will go deeper into the filing drawers of long term memory.

Long term memory is where permanent memories are stored.  These memories can last a lifetime.  Nothing gets into long term memory without first passing through our senses into working memory.   When it comes to recalling information for an exam, this is the part of your brain that you really want to be supercharged.  So how do you get things into long term memory?

Here are some hints for laying down long term memories: Read more