NSFAS Bursaries – Government Funding for Tertiary Education
Contact NSFAS: Facebook message Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Our previous NSFAS blog focused on how to apply to NSFAS and maximize the chance of a successful application. This blog explains how to get NSFAS bursaries. Similarly to the NSFAS loan, you must apply on time and with all the required paperwork attached. Although you may be asked for proof of family income, there is no cut-off after which you will not be successful. The intention of the NSFAS bursaries is to build interest in scarce skills sectors by attracting academically able and interested young people. Financial need is considered as a factor but not the deciding factor.
Just as with the NSFAS loans, the NSFAS bursaries are a limited pool of funds. NSFAS will award as many bursaries as they can from their pool of funds. The bursary pool is not the same pool as the loan pool so you can apply for both at the same time.
What Do NSFAS Bursaries Offer?
The NSFAS brochure tells us that they offer NSFAS bursaries for teaching, social work, students with disabilities, the National Vocational Certificate and NATED Engineer N1-N6 and other FET fields N4-N6. What does this mean?
Bursary | What is the offer? | Application details |
Teaching | Any teaching degree or diploma at a public institute that will qualify you to teach in a government school. This includes a BEd or the PGCE year that follows an undergraduate degree but not the undergraduate degree. | Apply to Funzalushaka Trust
Applications open October for new applicants and close in January. |
Social Work | Any Social Work Degree at a public institute that will qualify you to work as a Social Worker for Social Development. | Apply to Department of Social Development.
Applications open September and close October. |
Students with Disabilities | Apply directly to NSFAS.
National Certificate (Vocational) | The NCV is an alternative route to gaining a National Senior Certificate (NSC). NCVs are careers oriented matric certificates offered by FET colleges. The NCV takes three years to complete and you can apply for admission when you have passed Grade 9, however many courses prefer that you have progressed further with your schooling before you apply. | Apply directly to NSFAS. Applications close at the end of November for the year before you study. You do not need confirmation that you are accepted to study to apply for funding.
For a list of FET colleges click here.
Report 191
NATED programs are offered at FET colleges. You can apply for engineering at any level (N1-N6) or other fields at a post-matric level (N4-N6) | Apply directly to NSFAS.
For a list of FET colleges click here.
If you have a NSFAS loan you can convert up to 40% of your loan to a bursary based on your academic results. This is not the same sort of bursary as the ones described in this NSFAS bursaries blog. To find out more about NSFAS, go to their website.
I would like to join Sandf after completing my Matric,I am 20 years old and it is my favorite career.
Hi I’m Loveness in Mpumalanga I don’t have matric and I want to do a mining engineering course .would u please tell me what to do n also do I qualify for nsfas busry loan without a matric
Hi, You can apply for the NSFAS bursary without matric. Matric is a qualification level 4 (NQF4 or N4 – stands for National Qualification Framework). If you have Grade 11 then you have N3 and you can apply to study any course that is N1-4 at a TVET College. Many of these courses are funded by NSFAS bursaries. This website will help you find your nearest college: http://www.fetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx
Hi. My name is Mpho and im 33 years of age. Im currently writing my final exams for matric Senior Certificate examinations with Abet Kwazini college in Tembisa. So i would like to know if i would qualify for a teaching course for elementary phase at any state university? Im unemployed nd my partner does not earn much. Do i qualify for nsfas bursary to can apply to start next year 2019? Please help.
Hi, If your family income is under R320 000/ year then you will qualify for some support as long as you can get a place in a teaching course. All the best, Kath
Hi am adelaide from limpopo.i did matric but i didn’t pass and i like to study teahering
Hi, It’s great that you want to study further. I suggest you go to your nearest TVET college and see what they can offer you. They will be open tomorrow and can also help you apply for NSFAS funding. All the best, Kath
I need to learn but i dont have matric but i have grade 11 so please need it n i wish be learn this year
Hi, Please go to your nearest TVET College and see what they can offer you. They do have courses for learners from Grade 11 and they also have funding from NSFAS. If you don’t know your nearest college please whatsapp me your location and I will help you: 061 390 4470. All the best, Kath
Hi I’m Mpho and I failed my matric so I want to study short courses with a bursary please tell me what should I do
Hi Mpho, you can take a one year certificate course at a TVET college and be covered by NSFAS funding. NSFAS funding is not available for short courses. All the best, Kath
Hello everyone am kgaugelo ,my question to is that do I qualify for nsfas bursary with my subject statement matrix coz I have no direction please direct me.
Hi, NSFAS funding is dependent mainly on your family income but also your recent grades and the course you want to study. You also need to be accepted for a tertiary course. As you don’t know what to do, I suggest you make an appointment with a careers guidance counsellor at your nearest TVET college. The appointment is free. They will help you select a course, apply for the course and also apply for NSFAS funding. You can also do an online career selection test at http://www.gostudy.net/questionnaire
I would advise you to go to any registered College and apply to study NCV.Since you want to become an engineer it must be an engineering college,soon after you will be abble to complete a full NSFAS Bursary form asking for FAA (financial aid assistance)
Good Luck .
my matric not good and i have ancilliary andi need to learn more
Hi, Contact your local TVET College and see what courses they are offering. Many of their courses are funded by NSFAS and they can help you with the application. All the best, Kath
Hi my name is Busiswa am 26 years old ,I failed my Matric in 2011, and my dream was to become a beauty therapist, so can you please clear my mind on what to do it without Matric ,thank you
Hi Busiswa, You can study at at TVET College for beauty and you don’t need your matric. Tell me where you live and I’ll find the nearest college that offers this course. Kath
I live in kzn
Whatsapp me on 061 390 4470 🙂 It’s quicker and easier
Hii I’m LungeLo
I failed my matric last year 2015. I wanted to be a Social worker is there anything you can offer me.?
Hi, If you have Gr 11 you can do Social Auxiliary Worker N4 through Social Development. There are bursaries available. http://www.dsd.gov.za/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=82&
hi,my name is Thandiswa. I studied electrical engineering but failed my last semester in 2013. I am 32 years old already……. I want to go back and finish my studies but am not financial stable. am not able to get anything related to what did be itlearnership or apprenticeship. please help
Hi, If you passed more than 50% of your subjects for the year of 2013 then you are still eligible for NSFAS funding. If you were studying at TVET college then applications are still open. Your age is not a problem.
hi i am gift and i wanted to ask when will nsfas pay for our registrations because i went to register and i was told to wait
NSFAS are saying that institutes are not to refuse registration to people waiting for their application status to be approved or waiting for funding. I think you should phone NSFAS about this and also try to go back to your institute again.
Hi I’m Philix.i want to know which procedure must i follow after getting this nsfas message which says that you’re conditionally funded.
You should go and register and make sure your institute knows you have NSFAS funding.
hi I’m Austin I have applied for nsfas in a tvet collage when will I get the confirmation message and register at a tvet collage becouse I’m becoming worked now
The website says results will be communicated from 1st Feb. I think you should ring up and find out where your application is up to. You can also check online via the self-service page: https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
Hi im sarah i got a pin for my allowance…so how will i knw that nsfas pay for my fees excluding those books and food allowance???
Log in to your fee account for your tertiary institute. You will see the fee balance there. If you don’t know how to do that yet go and ask at the financial aid office at your institute
Hi I’m thuli . I’m studying in private college ,Im doing level 5 in policing.will nsfas be able to assist me if I want to continue with level 6 which is a diploma in policing if I charge a college to public college?
Hi, Unfortunately NSFAS do not fund private colleges or universities. Sorry to disappoint. Your best option will be to apply to the police force when they advertise for positions. They will provide you training for free. All the best, Kath
Hi I’m a first year at Tshwane university of Technology i didn’t apply this year for NSFAS is NSFAS going to cover my 2017 cost of study if i apply for 2018
No, NSFAS will not pay your fee debts.
Hey I’m noxolo 24 of agehave grade 10 and I want to further my educations and I’d love to do nursing but I don’t have money I’m from a poor background please help
Hi, You are going to need matric to study nursing. Why don’t you go to your nearest TVET college and see what they can offer you? Most of their courses are NSFAS funded so you will not have to pay.
ngcela ukbuza .ngifuna ngino grade 9 ngfuna ukuqhubeka neskole …so manje ngfuna ukwena i hospitality . yingabe uma sokupheĺa lo 3 years engzowfuñda ngizosithola na i çetificate sikamqtric?
English please?
Can i ask if snsafas can fund you if you were diong higheer certificate and then another year do extended programe or higher certificate again
Hi, No NSFAS won’t fund you at the same level again. You can do a National Diploma and they will fund you. All the best, Kath
Hi, am sibusiso zikhali ,could pls brainwash me about how nsfas pays you if pass all the subjects in tvet collage?
I’m guessing you didn’t really mean “brainwash!” 🙂 Anyway, if you had NSFAS last year and you past more than 50% of your subjects then you have it again this year.
Hi Kath, my name is Gloria i’ ve abet level 4 ,grade 11,psycho social trained course & hiv testing & counselling referal i was a voluntee at home base care,so now im looking a bursary for home based care where can i found it
Hi Gloria, Where are you planning to train at? Some organisations that offer training also offer learnerships. For example, Izibindi was doing this previously at James House, Hout Bay. They trained 20 people then offered jobs to 10. Cape Learning Foundation offer funding for training also. If you tell me where you live and where you are going to train, I might be able to help you better.
My name Julia I wnt to study I pass grade 11.
Hi Julia, There are courses available for you at your nearest TVET College. These courses will be funded by NSFAS bursaries. http://www.fetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx Here is a list of colleges in each province in South Africa.
Hi my name is ñompumelelo ntshangase iwant to study further I passed my grade11 i didnt finish my matric I am 30 years old .the course I rally want is to study nursing iwant to help people and make them better if they sick thank you
Hi, You should contact your nearest nursing college and see what they say. Generally you do need matric but as you are older they may offer you a “mature age exemption”. This means that they overlook that you don’t have matric. If they say no then you can ask them if they know where is the nearest adult matric centre. You can also study for adult matric online. This website might help – http://www.abet.co.za/centres_adult_matric.html
Hi please tell me I have grade 11 and I want to further my education and is there any college I can get
Hi, Yes there are courses you can study at TVET college. Go to this website to find your nearest college. Make an appointment for a careers consultation. They will ask you about your interests and test your English and Maths skills. Based on this they will help you find a course. NSFAS funding covers most courses of study at TVET colleges so you won’t have to worry about fees. http://www.fetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx Kath
Hi im Nobuhle. Im 20 years old. Iwish to be police but i failled my matric. I have no parent. My mom dead without id. Kath can u help me
Hi, Best will be to go to TVET College and get your National Vocational Matric. This is equivalent to matric but with a job focus. As you are interested in policing you should do “Safety and Security in Society”. To find your nearest TVET college look here: http://www.fetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx In regards to your mom’s ID – what do you need it for? If it is to apply to tertiary study or for NSFAS funding then you can use a letter from a social worker, pastor or school principal who knows you and knew your mom. The letter should be on letterhead and include contact details. Kath
Hi im Nobuhle. Im 20 years old. Iwish to be police but i failled my matric. I have no parent. My mom dead without id. Kath can u help me
how will i know if iam eligible to find allowance in nsfas bursary
Hi, You won’t know for sure until you apply but generally if your family income is under R120 000, you have good enough grades to get into a tertiary course (even TVET) then you may be eligible. They also consider whether your course is a scarce skill (all courses at TVET are in scarce skills) and they consider how strong your grades are and how likely you are to pass. But the main thing is family income which includes income of both parents or proof that a parent is unemployed or deceased or not known. Kath
Morning my name is Shane, I would like to study business law could you please confirm what course I have to choose for this at college of cape town or false bay college.
Thank you so much
Hi Shane, unfortunately the TVET colleges don’t offer law however they do offer a National Diploma in Business Management or National Diploma in Public Management. I suggest you make an appointment to see a careers counsellor at your nearest college. They will do a free assessment with you and help you select the right course. Kath
I am karabo I failed my matric but I was studying at abet what can I do I wanted to become a police
Finish ABET IV then go to TVET college for Safety and Security in Society. This is a three year course and is equivalent to matric. Then you can apply for the police.
Does nsfas fund matric nated0550
Yes the NSFAS bursaries cover nated courses at TVET colleges.
hi I am Mbongeni khumalo I was Doing IT at Dut nw I want to do pgce at Ukzn was using Nsfas at dut can able to use Nsfas for Pgce again
Hi, Yes you can apply for NSFAS for your PGCE and you can also apply to Funza Lushaka Bursary. http://www.funzalushaka.doe.gov.za/
Thanx how long does nsfas take to respond at Ukzn
Hi, I don’t think it is linked to the institute. If you haven’t heard from NSFAS you should phone them. Kath
Hi i wanna ask if Nsfas can fund my Higher certificate course as it is a pre-requisite. i made an application via Unisa. thank you
Yes you can get funding for a higher certificate course.
Hi i’m mohau 23yrs frm Free state i wanna study mechanical engineering n i faild ma matric so is it possible to get Nsfas to futher ma studies?
Hi, I don’t think there are options to study mechanical engineering without matric. There are courses you can take at college though that will be NSFAS funded. Best idea is to contact your nearest college and make an appointment for a careers assessment. The assessment is free. The careers counsellor will help you find a course you like that you qualify for. http://www.tvetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx Kath
I passed my grade9 do I qualify for nvcs or nated?
Yes you qualify for NVC. Contact your nearest TVET college for more information. http://www.tvetcolleges.co.za/Site_Public_FET.aspx
Hi I have a bursary doing n1but I fail can a get nfsa again
Unfortunately you need to pass at least 50% of your subjects to get NSFAS again.
if i am at university do i need to get 50% per semester or per year?
Hi, I think it is per year as NSFAS only assess once/ year. But you could phone them to check if you are worried. All the best, Kath
Hi, It is an average of 50% for the year. Kath
hi keth. i was enrolled on 2016 and i studied at UFS without nsfas.. so applied for nsfas on 2016 October and it did fund me on February 2017 but the university didn’t allow me to register because i have outstanding fees. so i dropped from school but i didn’t sign any nsfas loan.. so my concern is that will nsfas still fund me if apply this year for 2018 going to study to another university as a first year???
Hi, If you didn’t register then NSFAS will not have a problem with your new application. Kath
hi am dipuo from modimolle I have pass my matric with higher certificate will nsfas fund me??
Hi, NSFAS will fund any tertiary study as long as you can demonstrate financial need and you are offered a place at a tertiary institute. I suggest you go to your local TVET college and see what they have to offer you. Kath
Hi I am 53 yrs old ,have a senior certificate and recently done Play Based Learning courses for..Birth- 2 yrs,2-5yrs,Gr.R,Gr1-3..i want to become a teacher,foundation phase,what should i do to apply for funding and which institute can i apply.
Hi, Whichever institute you apply to, you will qualify for an age exemption. This means that they will consider your work experience and age in deciding on your application, rather than your matric certificate. You may have to do an assessment to show that you are going to be able to manage the level of study. Most public universities and universities of technology offer foundation phase teaching. You will need to baby your application because it is unusual to apply as an older person without matric. By this I mean, make an appointment to see a student advisor first. Discuss your application. When you submit your application, check with the applications office that they have noted that you are a mature student without matric. Keep checking. As far as I can see, you can apply to NSFAS for a loan for any first degree. There is no restriction on age. Kath
Hi am Athule, my question is does nsfas fund you if you’re going to study higher certificate in IT for one year. I have passed matric and I have secured a place for my self in NMMU.
Yes you can apply to NSFAS for any post-matric course at a public university. This includes your higher certificate at NMMU.
I am a girl of 18 years I dropped out of school this year I was doing grade 12 now I always wanted nursing can I study nursing with out matric?
Hi, I’ve not been able to find anywhere that you can study nursing without matric unless you can pay for a private college. Sorry. Kath
Hi I did matric in 2011 then I found a job I wanted to support my family cause am coming from disadvantage household so now I want to go back to school will nsfas fund me after 5 years,I passed with bachelor?
Hi, It’s never too late to apply to study further and NSFAS is available no matter how long you waited. The main thing to note is that your family income must be under R120 000. Kath
Hi my name is Johanna Magongoa,I am 36 years old doing matric this year at high school ,I want to be a teacher but my concern is that I am financially unstable as my husband is not earning much.so I would like to know if I am qualifying for NSFAS or Funza Lushaka after matriculating.hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Johanna, You can apply for NSFAS and may be eligible if your family income is under R120 000 per year. I think you are too old for Funza Lushaka. Kath
Good day I’m tebatso from Pretoria I’m 20
I passed my matric last yr in 2016
I passed with (H)
So I want to know that I can still apply for
Yes you can apply to study a Higher Certificate and you can apply for NSFAS. You will only get the NSFAS funding if you accept an offer of a place at TVET College or other tertiary institute offering a Higher Certificate course.
I am 30 years old with matric
I have level 4 in physics and level 3 in maths will I be approved at an get college to electrical engendering
Is it possible to apply now for next year
Hi, Yes you can (and should) apply now. The college will make an appointment for you with a careers guidance counselor to make sure you are suited to your course choice. You will write an English and Maths test. Based on these conversations and results the college will help you decide on the right course. Please make sure it is a registered TVET college. Kath
hi I’m nombuso faith In 2015 January I applied for a bursary and I wrote my exam only 2 find out dat I did not get a bursary I have a statement conferming that. the sad thing is I fail some subject due 2 loosing my parent same time. now I cant rewrite my subject because I don’t have the money. so I need to that is there any chance for me to get nsfas I was doing n5 public management.
Hi Nombuso, If you never had NSFAS before you can apply now. You also need to apply to your tertiary institute to study again. It would be a good idea to go to your institute and explain the reason you discontinued and find out if your fails can be removed from your record. Fails may stop you getting NSFAS funding. Kath
Hi my name is Leslie im 21 years old, i want to study next year the problem is i didn’t finish my matric so do i qualifies for a busary with a grade 10 report?
If you apply for a course at a TVET college and get accepted then NSFAS will be very likely to fund you. Many TVET courses can be entered into with only Grade 10. Now is the time to apply to NSFAS and also college. The college will help you choose a course.
Hi my name is Mpho a first year student so I wanted to know that if you are funded by nsfas and it happens that you fail one module and pass the rest will nsfas still fund you the following year?
Yes, as long as you pass more than half your modules, you will still be funded.
Hi , I’m not currently funded but what happens if I fail but still pass more than 50% of my modules . Remember I’m not funded by nsfas currently but I’m waiting for the results regarding my application. Thank you .
If you pass more than 50% then you are funded for the following year. You do not need to reapply.
Hi kath m Tebogo from Soweto m 22 years of age n I have grade 11 n I wanna do Hospitality so m not sure what requirements are needed. N again I want to apply for NSFAS so I want to knw the requirements of NSFAS pls help
Hi, You first need to find a course that you want to apply for. I suggest you look at South West Gauteng TVET College. They will help you choose a course. Go and see them. http://www.swgc.co.za/utilility-studies/hospitality/ They have a course in hospitality that you can do with Grade 11. It will also get you your matric at the same time. You can apply for NSFAS once you know which course you are applying for. You can see on their website what you need to apply. http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/ The TVET College will also help you with your application.
hi I’m Sneh I was doing matric last year 2016 and my accounting results have been omitted, I want to do teaching may u please help me I don’t know what to do from now on
Hi, I think I replied to you before. You need to go to the Department of Education and request that they issue you a new certificate. If you tell me where you live, I can give you contact details for your nearest office. Kath
Hi Iam velile Sithole, I was doing civil engineering at mangosuthu university of technology,I tried to get funding but I failed .I only need to finish my studies only 4 modules that are left for s4 level.can I be able to apply for nsfas since Iam not registered at the institution
Hi, I think that the best will be if you contact NSFAS directly. They do take into consideration your academic record. If you are repeating modules then they may not fund. However, I am not sure so please do contact them: Share Call:0860 067 327 | info@nsfas.org.za
Hi, my name is Yandiswa, can I still be funded by NSFAS next year if e.g I fail 5 out 14 of my modules both first and second semester.
Yes, you can still be funded as long as you have passed at least half the subjects. Kath
Can you please send via my email.. I can’t view your reply
Hi my name is bongiwe from mpumalanga (nelspruit) i want to study teaching but i don’t have matric i have grade 10 and level 4 from abet. Is it possible for me to make my dream come true
Hi, Of course it is possible if you are willing to work hard. You will have to get your matric. You can do your matric at a TVET college over 3 years. It will be funded through NSFAS. You can also do your matric online through programs like Brainline. Then you can complete in two years however you will have to pay for the course yourself. All the best, Kath
Hi Bongiwe, You need to get matric first. You can get it at a TVET college over 3 years and then apply for teaching. All the best, Kath
Hi my name is Audrey i want to know that is it possible to apply for NSFAS before i register with Fet college
Yes you can apply to NSFAS before you apply to FET College (or any other tertiary institute). However your funding depends on you being offered a place to study.
Hi I’m linathi I’m doing ND: HRM 3 funded by nsfas( bursary because of disability), I would like to if fail one module would nsfas still fund next year for that module.
Yes, NSFAS will still fund you as long as you pass at least half your modules.
Hi, I applied for nsfas but I didn’t provide a certified pay slip so I would like to know if it’s a problem. Should I be worried or not ?
Hi, best check with NSFAS directly. I watched someone do an application recently and noticed there was no space/ request to upload an affidavit of unemployment. I don’t know how these gaps will affect applications. Kath
What if you did provide a copy of pay slip but that copy it’s not certified? is that a problem ?
The website does specify “certified”. To give your application the best chance you should submit the certified payslip. You can try and do it through the “self-service” page using your login details. Otherwise you can email it directly to NSFAS. Make sure that you get a receipt for it.
Hi my name is mmapule from hmanskraal im 27 in age i failed grade 11 in 2011 so i like to study beauty therapist with all my heart the thing i dont have money to go study what can i do
Temba Campus of Tshwane TVET College is your nearest place to study. You can apply for NSFAS funding, which is the government loan scheme. The college will help you apply. You should go soon because the college and NSFAS are open now for applications. The college will also help you to choose a course. https://www.tnc.edu.za/temba-campus If you want to study beauty thought then you will have to study at the Pretoria campus of Tshwane College. It is still best to go to Temba first as they are close to you. They can help you with the application and advise you how to proceed.
hi am atlegang,I applied for Nsfas and I only submitted my I.d n my mothers I.d and I.d of people living with me,I dnt know where my father is aimce I was little, will that jeopardise my application? and my mom is no longer working so I ddnt submit any proof of that and will that also jeopardise my application? and what happens after nsfas replied me?what do I have to do?and what exactly will I get from nsfas next year?what will it pay?transport?
You probably need to submit a letter from your school principal or pastor, on letterhead, verifying that your father is not involved with your family and you don’t know where he is. Also your mom can do an affidavit stating she is unemployed. I have noticed that this is a problem with the online application process because they don’t ask for those documents. However, I do think that they are needed. Best idea is to phone or email NSFAS and ask them what you should do.
In terms of what you actually get, it depends on the cost of your studies and how much they think your family can contribute. If you family has no income then they should cover the full cost of your studies, transport, text books, stationery and some living expenses. You will receive an SMS notifying you of the outcome of your application. Then you will sign and agreement with NSFAS. Then you will get funding.
I pass my matric in 2015 with Diploma can NSFAS fund me?
Yes NSFAS can fund you. Applications are still open for NSFAS and for TVET Colleges. You can study a National Diploma at a TVET College. They can also help you choose a course and complete your NSFAS application.
Hi I am Relebohile I failed only one module and I am using the Funza Lushaka bursary….will Funza be able to fund me in 2018?
The Funza funding criteria for current bursars are:
*Achieved a minimum average of 50% across all subjects
*Passed a minimum of two-thirds of subjects studied in the most recent year of university study
*Passed a minimum of two-thirds of priority subjects in the most recent year of Higher Education study
*If doing 1 priority subject – must have passed the subject
*Progressing to the next year of study
Hi. I am Xolile Machi. I have studied my 3year course in a TVET COLLEGE with NSFAS. So I was wondering if can NSFAS still pay for me if I have two subjects to rewrite? The problem that I am having now is that I have two subjects I failed from my second year and two more from my third year. Please help
Hi, Best to ask NSFAS this. Phone: 0860 067 327 or ask on this facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544966912294453/?ref=bookmarks Kath
hy guys I dd my matric in 2015 but failed so I want to knw if I apply at tvet college do I apply for ncv or nated
Hi, Most colleges won’t accept you for NATED if you don’t have matric so best to do the NCV. You can see a careers guidance counsellor at the college and they will talk to you about your career interests and check your maths and English skills, then make a recommendation for what to study. Remember that NSFAS applications close next week. For info on how to apply: https://saili.org.za/how-to-apply-for-nsfas/ You can get help with your application at an NYDA office or at the college. Kath
Hy m name is Mpho I failed m matric in 2015…so I went 2 a local tvet and I wrote a placement test..also hv applied 4 nsfas 2 study office administration Can nsfas fund me?as I don’t hv parents I live wit m Sister..
Hi, Yes, you can apply to NSFAS. The TVET can help you with your application. Applications close this week so do not delay! This blog will help you get the right documents together: https://saili.org.za/how-to-apply-for-nsfas/ Kath
Hi my name is seboke from Tzaneen n I failed my matric 2011 and would like to do social auxiliary worker and I have ABET Level 4 and I need a bursary to study
Hi Tzaneen, you can only get a bursary for social auxiliary if you have passed matric. If you go to your nearest TVET College they can help you choose a National Vocational Certificate that will get you your matric as well as teaching you practical work skills. Kath
Hey Kath I wanted to ask if I uploaded my moms I’d on the box that requires it but did not upload it on the box that wants all the I’d documents of people living with me, will it be a problem
Yes it is a problem. If your application is incomplete it will likely be declined.
Hi, my name is Mzwandile. I am enrolled at the North West University Vaal campus. I have a really serious problem, I had difficulties with the Nsfas LAF and now my fees are not payed. I have an outstanding balance of R64 973,56, is there anything i could do. I realy need help becouse there is no way i could afford that. I tried many times to sign the LAF, but could not. I only managed to sign it after the deadline.
plz help out
Hi Mzwandile, My heart is sinking reading your message. I don’t think I can help you with this one. Have you been to the financial office at NWU to ask them for advice? Kath
Hi. If I passed 90% of my modules will I still be eligible to receive nsfas as a first time applicant? I failed 1 out of 10 modules for the year. Will this effect me chances of receiving the loan?
Hi, NSFAS do consider your academic record when allocating funds for the first time. I would still go ahead and apply though. Kath
Hello I would like to find out, if a person has already got another bursary however had failed a single module is it possible to apply for nsfas to have that module paid for in the following year?
Hi, I see your problem. NSFAS do consider your academic record when deciding about funding but if it is only one module you failed then I think you have a chance. As applications are due today, I hope you have applied! Kath
Hi. I’m Chris. I would like to ask, I’m doing my 3rd/Final year next year studying Ndip Accountancy but i would like to continue my studies into an Advanced diploma, Then BcomHonors (1year each) can i extend my loan to add those year or for how long does Nsfas provide funding and also how can i convert my loan into a bursary (The 40%)?
Hi, Your loan converts into a bursary if you pass all your subjects. From their website: “NSFAS financial support for all university students is a loan and will need to be paid back when the student finds employment after completion of their studies. However students who pass all their subjects will get 40% of their NSFAS funding for that particular year/semester, converted into a bursary. This means they will only pay back 60% of the loan when they start working.” http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/studentsupport.html
In terms of funding for post-grad, NSFAS has an arrangement with the National Research Foundation (NRF). You apply through NRF and if you have previously qualified for NSFAS it helps your application – http://www.nrf.ac.za/document/nsfas-funding-final-year-b-tech-and-honours-students-2017
In terms of your study pathway, I am curious about why you have chosen Advanced diploma plus BCom Honors? Did you consider BTech (1 year) plus a conversion course (1 year)?
I was under the impression that that is the sequence. I am studying at UJ. can you please explain what is the significant differences between these two pathways and which one is the better choice?
Best to contact South African Accounting Association and hear their advice: http://www.saaa.org.za/
Hi I was funded by NSFAS this year. I failed 2 modules out of the numerous I had. Will I still be funded in 2018?
Yes you are still funded if you pass more than 50% of your modules.
Hey . I was doing the nated course at a TVET College funded by nsfas . I’d like to go to university next year . Wil nsfas still fund me ?
Hi, I’ve been trying to get a clear answer on this. What I think is, if your NATED was N1,2,3 or 4 then you can still apply for NSFAS for university. If you have N6 then you can’t. You can check with NSFAS on facebook messenger at: https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/ Kath
Hi. I failed all my modules this year. It hasn’t been a good year for me as I’ve been going through some rough patches. Will I still have NSFAS next year or I just need to drop out as there’s no other alt.
Thank you.
Hi, Unfortunately you will not get NSFAS again. You need to pass at least half your modules to be re-funded. I’m really sorry things didn’t work out for you. Kath
I have Abet level i would like to know if Nsfas would be abke to assist me with bursary i want to study for HIV and counselling
Sorry i meant Abet level 4
Hi, NSFAS fund any post-school studies at government institutes. They make their decision based on your family income mainly but they do also consider academic record and the course you want to study. You will be eligible to study a course at NQF level 1 or 2 at a TVET College. All the best, Kath
Hi my name is pearl I’m a first nsfas applicant. I’ve applied for abet is nsfas going to accept my application ?
Hi Pearl, I don’t think NSFAS will fund you to study ABET. Sorry. 🙁 If you want to be sure, then best thing is to ring them. Kath
Hi, on my application status it says “Financial Eligibility Evaluated ” what does it mean ?
It means they’ve checked your family income status. It’s just an update. Your application is being processed.
Hi Kath
My name is Eileen am 35 years and I have 11. I’ve been trying to go to school for many times problem is I have 4 kids and am not working every time I try to go to school my job get finished and on other side is kids. My problem now is that I want to go to school and get my matric so that I can manage to get myself a proper job to look after my family as a widow. Can you please Kath help me with a bursary and some cause that I can do for 1 year to get my matric it’s painful seeing my kids suffering like they way I suffered. Let alone the place to stay that’s why I decided to go to school knowing that the following year I can manage to be on my feet even if I have to do a further education but at least know that I have a job to provide for my poor family. Please help me with all the information that I can need to brighten up my future and my family from next year
Thank you
Hi Kath
Eileen again I forgot to tell you what I wish to be. I would like to become a social worker
Hi Eileen,
Because of your age, you can apply for social work without your matric. You will have to show that you are able to cope with university level learning though. If you apply through UNISA then they will give you a few modules the first year to try out and show that you are able. They will also bridge you to to the degree without doing your matric. You can apply for funding through NSFAS. NSFAS applications open in September. You can apply to UNISA from April. All the best, Kath
Wooooooo! Kath you made my day. I don’t know how to thank you for the information that you gave me.. I want to grab this opportunity with my both hands . Now I can see my life. Cause really I was so confused with my life. Because of you I know axactly what to do from here onwards Come 2018 you’ll be my year
I thank you
ay Kath neh you made my day , with those accurate answers I’ve been searching for,
who are you exactly and where do you get such knowledge, I
am impressed
hey my name is tlhogi I want to know if I can apply for a bursary if to complete three of my subjects that I have failed
If you didn’t have NSFAS funding previously you can apply to them for a loan. They do consider your academic record in deciding whether to fund you. For more information you can message on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544966912294453/
Morning Mr Morse
Phakiso here. I was a funded by NSFAS as student at a TVET college and successfully completed my studies 2016 (Now doing my internship for my Diploma). I have recently applied at University for 2018, i would like to know if will NSFAS fund me?
Hi, I think the answer is yes for undergrad but best check with NSFAS on facebook message at: https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/ If it is postgrad then you should be able to get funding through National Research Foundation. If you have previously had NSFAS then they preference your applications. Kath
Phakiso Again.
The NSFAS portal was asking for all kind of documents like proof of income and all that kind of documents and i am an orphan, my siblings live a children’s home so i cant get their certificates. I live with a friend of mine who’s been very generous in helping me out and have been taking some odd jobs from time to time.
Will me not having those documents deem my application unsuccessful?
Hi, You need to provide all requested documents or explanation for why you don’t have the documents. You can still upload documents to your application via the self-service page on the website. You need to provide ID for your friend who you live with, as NSFAS asks for ID for all those in your house. You can provide a letter from your social worker stating that you are an orphan or your parents’death certificates, in place of parental income. You can sign your parent permission form yourself and clearly write that you are an orphan on it. Your application is incomplete if a document is requested and you did not provide anything. If you need help you can contact NSFAS on facebook messenger: https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/ Kath
Hi, I failed two out of three modules do you think I will get funded still and I’m thinking of transferring to another university I currently study thru unisa
You need an average of 50% to be funded again. As long as you have this, you can transfer to another university.
I passed first semester and failed 3 modules out of 4 will I get funding and if I up my marks will I be refunded again?
You need to pass with an average of at least 50% to be funded for 2018.
Hi Kath
Can one apply for Nsfas funding with a Tvet qualification towards a degree at Varsity?
Hi Kenny, I have had mixed advice about this. If you have an NDip and then want to apply for a Bachelor Degree, the advice seems to be that this is considered a second qualification and you will not be funded. However, if you have a Certificate and want to do an NDip, the advice seems to be that yes, you can be funded. Best to ask NSFAS directly. They have someone on facebook messenger – https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/
Hi Kath
Eileen here again I spoken with you last about my career. Then you told me to go to the one of the universities. So on the 3rd I went to UNISA and they were not helpful for me instead they told me that. I need to go do the matric then when I have my matric I can come to speak to them. Am so disappointed Kath. And now that NSFAS has closed . Can you please tell me how am going to register in April with no money. And the college said I can do N3 technical matric and now the problem I don’t have a cent to pay for my registration fee. Can you tell me Kath what must I do with this situation now. I can’t believe I have to stay home again this year cause of the funds
Thank you
Hi Eileen, The NSFAS website says that they will work with institutions to provide funding to learners who have a study space but did not apply. So I think there is still a chance for you for funding at a TVET College. Go and speak to the college again, tell them that you want to register and that you need help accessing NSFAS funding. Don’t leave it too long though. Those places for the technical matric fill up quickly. Kath
Hi Eileen, I had another look at UNISA. It seems they only offer age exemption if you got your matric (or other N4 certificate) but you didn’t get a Bachelor Pass. Sorry to disappoint. Kath
hey I am Mmakgabo. I dont hv matrix but I have Level 4 so I just want to know if I can qualify for a bursary because My dream is to become a nurse but I am stuck. please help me whr should I register and How to get funding
Hi, NSFAS will fund you for any first diploma or degree as long as you can find a course that will accept you. I don’t think you are able to get into nursing without matric with maths and life science. There are learnerships available for nursing through the government. Kath
Hi Kath my name is Johanna ,I am turning 37 this year and recently passed my matric with a Diploma.my dream is to become a teacher and now it seems as if it won’t happen as I didn’t pass with a bachelor. The thing is I wanted to study teaching at a university of Limpopo where I applied last year.I also applied for Nsfas hoping that I will obtain a bachelor degree.I don’t know what to do anymore.pls help
Hey Miss Kath.. My Name Is Nthabiseng I Am A Student At Unisa And I Wanted To Let Johanna Know That It Possible To Study Teaching With A Diploma Matric Pass At UNISA.. He Will Have To Do A Higher Certificate First For A Year Which Contains 10 Modules.. If You Pass All These 10 Modules Then The Following Year You’ll Start With A Bachelor In Education!!
Thanks for that update Nthabii!
What I am trying to say is that is it possible for me to find any institution where I can study teaching without paying registration as my husband is not earning much.hoping to hear from you
I want to study teaching in bachelor degree
Hi, Unfortunately you can’t study teaching with a matric Diploma pass. You need a Bachelor Pass. You can however, study Early Childhood Education at a TVET College. There is a bursary available for that from NSFAS so you shouldn’t have to pay registration fees. All the best, Kath
Hi am ntwanano I am looking to register Nated course’s for electrical so the unfortunate part is that if ever I don’t get space as a full timer which means the alternative is to register for part time. Can Nsfas cover me if am doing part time ?
Hi, I think this is fine but you will be able to check with your college. Kath
hi ,I’m zanele …i need a bursary soon
i want to study bcom law and i’ve passed my matric
what can i do to get funding from NSFAS?
Hi Zanele, You can apply for BCom Law from April. NSFAS opens in September. Unfortunately you cannot apply to study for 2018 as applications are closed. Kath
I applied for NSFAS at a TVET college and now I got admission to a university.can NSFAS still fund me?
Yes, NSFAS can still fund you. You should notify NSFAS that you are going to register at a different institute. Also notify the financial office at your new institute when your NSFAS funding is approved.
Hi Kath i passed my human resources nated course N6 through nsfas now i would like to go study bm at the college part time will nsfas still fund me
My understanding is that NSFAS only fund your first course, so I think the answer is no. You can check with them though. Kath
Hi I am frustrated please assist. I applied at UNISA and they accepted my offer to study for a higher certificate in Law, today I went to register and as all is good except for the fact that if I I don’t pay R2400 by the 30th of this month my application will be invalid. My mother is in EC and I am in WC working as teller. Can I apply for funding using my own payslip or should I ask my mother to fax certified copies of her payslip? Your assistance will be highly highly appreciated thanks. Sifiso
Hi, Did you apply already for NSFAS because they are closed now. If you want to message me on whatsap it will be easier for me to advise you. Contact me on 0613904470 Generally though, even if you applied for NSFAS, you usually have to cover the registration fee yourself until the NSFAS money comes through. I know it is hard. Some universities will register you without the fee and take it later when NSFAS pays. Kath
Hi my name is Nonele I failed my matric but I have a FETC:Community health work NQF Level 4 and FETC: Social auxiliary work and I wanna study Social work,so should I apply at a tvet to do my matric or what?and will NSFAS fund me in either?and again because I’m the sole breadwinner I can’t study full time so what are my options?
Hi, As you have N4 you should not need to do NCV (matric) as well. Try applying for UNISA part time and see what they do with your application. Or phone them and ask first. They may offer you to do some bridging to check that you are ready for a degree. NSFAS will fund for part time. Kath
hi I’m nomvula i pass matric with higher certificate so can nsfas fund me too?
You can be funded with a certificate pass as long as you are offered a place in a tertiary certificate course.
Hi I register 12 modules last and I only passed 9 .and got 3’supplementary. I just wanna kno if nsfas will fund me again
If your average is over 50% you will be funded again. Kath
Thank you so much .
Hi am lelethu I have grade 9 am 19 years old I want to do electrical engineering at Tvt collage so can NSFas give me money to study
Yes. You can study NCV Electrical Engineering. This will give you an N4 certificate which is equivalent to matric. It takes 3 years. NSFAS bursaries are available however you may be too late for this year. Check with your local TVET college. Kath
Hi Kath
If one wants to study a PGCE in order to be able to teach in their profession and has been funded by NSFAS throughout their Diploma in Hospitality, would NSFAS still pay for the Post Grad Certificate in Education?
Hi, I had that question yesterday. Postgrad funding is managed by NRF. If you’ve had NSFAS before they prioritize your application. Best to check with NSFAS though about how it works. You can message them on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/application2018/
Hi m lwazi i want to ask that does nsfas pay for my diploma after i finished higher certificate or it will only pay once for higher certificate only??
Yes NSFAS will pay for a diploma after a higher certificate however they will not pay for a Bachelor degree after a diploma. Kath
Hi Kathy,
Thank you for all your great work here.
I wanted to confirm. If a student passed with a Higher certificate, and gets NSFAS funding, and used that funding for a one year higher certificate course, will NSFAS still pay when the student wants to then do a diploma degree in the same course (HR for example)??
Kind regards,
Hi Mary, Yes a student can use NSFAS for a higher certificate and then a diploma/ degree. This is because a higher certificate is equivalent to matric (or less) on the national qualifcations framework so it doesn’t count as a tertiary course. NSFAS will pay for one tertiary course. All the best, Kath
If I am granted the loan but have to upgrade my matric for this year , should I apply again for next year or what?
Hi, You will need to re-apply for NSFAS for next year. Your loan is conditional on your registration at a tertiary institute – so if you don’t register, you don’t get the loan. Kath
Thank you so much Kath.
Hi Kath, Johanna again I am being granted Nsfas loan and now my problem is that I haven,t found d any space in any institution so I dnt knw wht will happen next,as nsfas is waiting for the institution to confirm my admission.
Hi Johanna, If you don’t find space then you will have to reapply for tertiary and also for NSFAS and start in 2019. It looks like everyone is closed for late applications now. Sorry to disappoint. Kath
hi im gerchon,I do have a grade 9 and would like to study electrical engineering,would I get funding
Hi, You can study NCV (National Vocational Certificate) N2-4 at at TVET College. Or you can take a NATED N2 course at a TVET College. There is funding available for both through NSFAS. Go to your nearest college and ask them what they can offer you. Kath
I have abet level4 and I also studied ancillary health care in abet.so I was wondering if I would be able to get bursary to further my studies
Yes you can apply to NSFAS for further studies. Go and speak to your local college about which courses they can offer you. Kath
Hi.I’ve passed my matric with higher certificate and I want to social working so will NsFas fund me?
Hi, You will not be eligible for Social Work with a higher certificate however you can apply for Social Auxiallary Worker – they are assistants to Social Workers, spending a lot of time in the community visiting people and organisations. There is a learnership for this through Social Development. Contact Social Development to find out more. Kath
Hi. I’m a returning student at Wits and I have applied for NSFAS funding for 2018 academic year. My status says “Funding Eligible Without Admission ” what does that mean ?. I am registered for 2018 academic year.
Hi, Please check with NSFAS about that status, I haven’t seen it before. I do know that if you had NSFAS last year and passed with a 50% average, they will fund you again this year. May be they mean “Funding eligible without application???”
Just got this update:
Funding Eligible without admission – Student is funded but we are still waiting for ADMISSION CONFIRMATION
Funding Eligible with admission offer – student is funded and we have received ADMISSION CONFIRMATION
hi I failed my matric in 2014 now i want to do hospitality reception with Richfield college is nsfas going to be able to to pay for my studies
Hi, NSFAS will fund college courses including N2-4 (lower than Matric level). Kath
Hello Kath
I hope you can assist me. I’be emailing NEW AS and texting them on their Fb page but I haven’t got any replies.
I applied last year for NSFAS and received a reference number. Now I’ve been trying to check my application status on my nsfas account but it sent me back to applying.
And every time I try to access mynsfas manager it says “profile details incomplete”.
I’m getting worried. I am already registered at CPUT Cape Town Campus. Any advice on what I can do? I’m panicking
Thanks in advance
Hi, People are getting through by phone. I know it takes a while and you have to be patient but I suggest you do this. If you received a reference number confirming your application then they should be able to sort it out for you. If your application was incomplete though you might be in trouble. Kath
It was complete they even said if there are a few documents that you didn’t upload they would notify you. But I never received anything because I completed the application and uploaded all my documents
Can nsfas pay for matric upgrading at college?
Unfortunately I don’t think NSFAS pay for this. Most upgrades are through private colleges. NSFAS does not fund private institutes. Best idea though is to check with them directly. Kath
Hi Kath…I can see u reply to other students that if u pass with average of 50% Nsfas can still fund u.. I have a problem I’ve been funded by Nsfas since I started my qualification but last semester I failed all my modules but I’ve never failed all of them before if I didn’t do well I pass at least one. So can Nsfas still fund me? if I have average of 50% maybe even though I failed all of them last semester… they converted my loan to bursary last year 1st semester
Hi Thandeka, They look at your year average, not your semester. If you want to send me your end of year results, I can work it out for you. Kath – kathsaili@gmail.com
Good day, my name is Innocent, I have registered for Bcom Economics uniprep At North-West University potchefstroom, the course is extended instead of three years it will be four years;For NSFAS have I applied last year(2017) Aug, my status says Checking Financial eligibility, I also have to pay for private accommodation. Will I receive assistant. Thank you very much
Hi, You can still be funded for the extended program. It sounds like they are still processing your application. You just need to be patient. Kath
Good evening
Can you please help me about the NSFAS Funding at Unisa. I failed my modules and didn’t get 50%. I’m a second year student this year from 2017. And I’m scared that I wont register or continue with my career. Im a single parent and I’m struggling with finance issues. It will be a pleasure to hear from you.
Hi, Unfortunately you are right, NSFAS will not fund you if you didn’t get an average over 50% for your first year modules. It looks like you are going to have to work and save for your modules. Fortunately you can complete UNISA part time so it is quite possible to work and study. All the best, Kath
Hi I am Lwazi and I would like to know how does nsfas pay for the students with outstanding fees, but my problem is that previously I wasn’t funded by nsfas in 2016.
Hi Lwazi, I replied on your email already but basically there is no one who will pay fee debts for you – not NSFAS or any bursary or scholarship. Sorry. Kath
hy m Philly I was studying Farming management at tvet college year 2015 ,nsfas funded me n I decide to drop out coz I was sick n I didn’t deregist so now I want to study Social worker at University will nsfas fund me??
Hi, If you didn’t de-register then your subjects will have been graded as fails. I don’t think NSFAS will fund you, sorry. However, the Department of Social Development have a learnership for Social Auxillary Worker, it takes one year. You can then work as an assistant to a Social Worker, visiting NGOs and families in communities. You can also get work in Child and Youth Care. It is NQF4 so you have to have passed Grade 11 (NQF3). All the best, Kath
last year I was doing bcom acc first semester In passed all modules but second semester I had5 modulesand passed 3 n I had supplementary on two modules which I didnt write because I was in another province and didnt have means for transport. So I decided to change my degree of which was a success. Now my question is can nsfas fund me again? I honestly donot understand the 50% thing please try and be specific how does it work?
Hi, You need to pass your modules with an average of 50%. It can be complicated to calculate because some modules are worth more credits than others. If you want to send me through your year results I can work it out for you. Email to kathsaili@gmail.com Kath
Hi Kath. My current status for NSFAS is Successfully Funded and has been that way for almost 3 weeks now. I called the call centre and they notified me that I should call UNISA and ask that they send them (NSFAS) a “Registration Template” but on the NSFAS facebook page it says if your status is “Successfully Funded” you should wait for an sms to sign your LAF. I am so confused right now because I have tried calling all the UNISA numbers with no answer. I need books to complete my assignments which are due on 13 April. I just need confirmation that the info I received from the call centre is true. Thank you.
Hi Zama, I think you are right on this one. If you are successfully funded then the next thing is signing your LAF. You can try contacting via facebook messenger: https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/ All the best, Kath
hi,I am currently updrage one of the two sibjects,i completed matric 2017,so i just need confirmation on whether i can apply to a varsity while am awaiting my results and also apply for NSFAS??am really confused and hopeless…how do i go on about that….please help
thank you
Hi, Yes you can apply for varsity and NSFAS. You will need to follow up your applications with the varsities and make sure that they know that you are doing a rewrite. You can also ask advice from the Bridging Year Program at SAEP – email Nonthando – nonthando@saep.org.za Kath
Subject: Your application for the 2018 extended NSFAS grant (DHET Bursary Scheme)
has been provisionally approved, pending final verification by NSFAS.
While Unisa waits for final verification of your 2018 extended NSFAS grant (DHET
Bursary Scheme) application, your temporary registration for the 2018 academic
year will be activated.
Please note:
The NSFAS grant will be paid into your study fees account once NSFAS has confirmed
that you meet the bursary criteria and you have signed the NSFAS bursary agreement.
In the event that you are not able to sign this agreement or NSFAS rejects your
application, you will remain liable for your fees.
Good morning, I got that email and now I have been getting emails fro my institution that I have to pay for my fees, what does that mean?
Hi, From the NSFAS side – they are nearly finished with your application. If they decide that you are eligible you will sign the bursary agreement and then they will pay your fees. From UNISA’s side they are likely tired of waiting. I suggest that you phone them and explain the situation with NSFAS and forward them the email if they request it. Kath
Thank you kath, but is it late now to get the form that I habe to sign from tbe NSFAS?
NSFAS are still resolving applications. They will get to you. You are not the only person still waiting. It does take a long long long time 🙁
hi, i was funded by nsfas since 2015, i finished the qualification last year, now i applied for a bridging diploma at another institution.
now my question is do i apply again for Nsfas, Or What do i do ??
Hi, If you completed a certificate course and now want to do a diploma, you can apply for NSFAS. However if your new course is at the same level as your old one or if you are going from a diploma to a degree, I don’t think NSFAS will fund you. You can phone them to check though. Kath
Hi I am a first year student and was successfully funded by nsfas this year, I am doing Mechanical Engineering….I faced a serious problem with my studies due to late allocation of money for books ,as result of that I tried by all means to catch-up with my work but unfortunately I didn’t instead I’m struggling even more and I fail my semester tests so I don’t meet the requirements for exams , since I didn’t start my academic year properly! I decided to deregister the Course completely and begin next year with the other course. My question is will NSFAS Consider me for next year if I have derigistered?
Hi, Well done for following the de-registration process. So many people fail to do that and it is a big problem. As long as your academic record shows that you de-registered, rather than you failed, I think you can apply for NSFAS again. I suggest you call or email them though and discuss it because this is not a situation I have heard of before. Sorry this year didn’t work out for you. Kath
hy. i finished my ncv 4 last year now i want to continue do N4-6
what must i do? should i apply again for nsfas?
Hi, If you are not studying this year then I think you will need to put in a new application for next year. Best to check with NSFAS though. Kath
Hi, I’m a 1st year Varsity Student who just found out that I failed one of my exams. If I don’t write my 2nd opp exam and decide to carry the module, will NSFAS pay for the module?
Hi, It depends on how you go overall. You must pass the year with an average of 50% to be funded again in 2019. It would be safer to re-write the exam and make sure you pass. All the best, Kath
hy everyone,uhm I finished my matric last year and I obtained a diploma certificate
so I want to know if nsfas can assist me.
oh sorry I’m siya by the name
Hi Siya, I replied already via facebook. Bascially NSFAS will help fund any first tertiary course as long as your family income is under R320 000 and you are offered a place in the course. A Diploma pass means you can study a National Diploma or Higher Certificate course. Most courses also have other entry requirements – for example minimum maths or English marks. All the best, Kath
hy i am Jabu a second year student studying ND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. last year i did well but this year first semester i failed 4/7 modules will nsfas still fund my s4 modules?
You will still be funded for semester 2. You will need an average of at least 50% at the end of the year to be funded for 2019. Kath
Hi, You will still be funded for second semester as long as you have signed your funding agreement. They will reassess at the end of the year. Kath
Hello this is Buhle. I failed 4/7 of my modules first semester. Am I still eligible for funding this year?
Hi Buhle, You will still be funded for semester 2. You will need an average of at least 50% at the end of the year to be funded for 2019. Kath
Hi, You will still be funded for second semester as long as you have signed your funding agreement. They will reassess at the end of the year. Kath
Hi this is Natasha..I failed all my modules this semester n I’m worried if NSFAS will still fund me
Hi Natasha, NSFAS will fund you for second semester. You need an average of at least 50% at the end of the year to be funded for 2019. All the best, Kath
Hi my name is Bongane.
I recently completed my higher certificate in law with unisa with the assistance of Nsfas I now want to register for an Llb will nsfas continue paying for my fees or what? Thanks in advance
Hi, can nsfas still fund you if you passed only half of your modules and failed the other half on your first semester?
Hi, They will still fund you for second semester however you must get an average over 50% for the year or they won’t fund you next year. Kath
Good morning
How I sappose to calculate average of NSFAS if I fail 3 module out of 10 and I also want to cancel 2 modules in second semester
Hi, Make sure you cancel your modules in the first week of semester otherwise they may register as fails. To calculate your average –
1. Take each mark from first semester and multiply it by the number of credits that subject is worth. If all your subjects are equal then you can skip this step.
2. Then add up all your subject totals.
3. Divide by the number of subjects.
If this seems too complicated, you can send my your semester one results and I’ll calculate it for you. Send to kathsaili@gmail.com
Plz Check your emails
Good day this is Hlayisani I got funded by NSFAS this year as a first year student and i registered 4 modules and they were both paid for by NSFAS.Unfortunatly i got an accident and i was not abble to study, and obvious i’ve failed. so my question is can NSFAS still fund me if i apply for 2019 academic year?
Hi, NSFAS will not fund you if you failed. What you can do though, is to go to the student centre at your institute and make an appointment to see a counselor. Explain what has happened to you and ask them if they can help you to have your academic record changed. Please make sure you have not registered for any second semester subjects. All the best, Kath
im dimpho i have failed matric n have passed abet can i be able to study at unisa???
Hi, If you have ABET 4 you can apply for a National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at a TVET College. You can’t apply to UNISA until after you have your NCV. The NCV is funded by NSFAS. Go to your nearest college and ask them to help you with applying to the college and also to NSFAS to study in 2019. More info on TVETS here: https://saili.org.za/tvet-colleges/ All the best, Kath
Hi my name is Andrea I am currently funded and would like to know what happens to my nsfas loan if I fail one of my major modules and have to do the year over???
Hi, If you have an average of 50% or more for your year then you keep your NSFAS funding. It sounds like you are struggling with one module. It’s important that you keep putting in your best effort, even if you don’t pass. Any marks you get will help improve your average and that helps towards keeping your funding. In case maths isn’t your strong point – to get your average, add up all your results and divide them by the number of subjects. All the best, Kath
Hi im nonhle ndelu i have level 4 abet and i want to study an ancillary health care nursing can nsfas help me?
Hi, You can only get NSFAS funding for public institutes – TVET College, University of Technology or University. I think that nursing colleges are private so you wouldn’t be able to get NSFAS funding there. Provincial Departments of Health sometimes offer learnerships for nursing but you need matric for that. Sorry, Kath
Hi i have a Senior certificate i need nsfas to help me further my studies to do teaching
Hi, You need to apply to a tertiary institute and also to NSFAS. If you have done a tertiary application already then you can apply to NSFAS now, they are open. Go to http://www.nsfas.org.za You can also apply to Funza Lushaka – http://www.funzalushaka.doe.gov.za/ All the best, Kath
greeting may i please ask is it possible for NSFAS to re-fund a student who has faild most of his/her subjects yet he/she manages to pass them in the following year like if the individual is doing semester course and manages to those subject that he/she faild previously
Hi, I don’t think you can get NSFAS funding back once you have lost it but you can check. SMS Khetha careers help and they will put you directly in touch with NSFAS without the usual long wait on the phone. SMS “phone me” to 072 204 5056 They may also know the answer. Kath
I am a first time applicant and I failed 1 of 10 modules, is that a deal breaker or nsfas can still fund me even though i’m a first time applicant?
Hi, If you already have NSFAS funding then your funding will continue as long as your average is over 50%. If you only failed one module then your average should be fine. All the best, Kath
Hi my name is Rhulani,and I applied for nsfas on the 11 September ,when I check my status it says Evaluation Completed and I want to study a course which require grade10/11 is it possible and will Nsfas Fund me?
Hi, You should hear soon from NSFAS if your evaluation is completed. NSFAS does fund TVET courses with Grade 10/11 requirements however they do not fund at private colleges. All the best, Kath
Does NSFAS pay for 2 or 1 module?
Hi NSFAS can potentially pay for your whole course, it depends on your financial need. All the best, Kath
Hi Kath, my name is lelo, I passed my matric with higher certificate and 2016 I did higher cerficate cause and i passed all modules then qualified for a degree and last year I was doing 1 year b. Com in hr so I just wanna know if I should apply for NSFas it will be funded me
Hi, Yes you can apply for NSFAS however, they are closed now. Sorry! Kath
Hi. I have a several questions.
1. I applied for nsfas. Its on “awaiting registration”… What does that mean?
2. i applied to so many institutions. what’s going to happen if I get rejected by the one that was filled in the nsfas application form?
3. What’s going to happen if im funded and decide to change the course in January for early registration?
Thank you
Hi, Your funding is basically approved. When you register, the institute sends the registration template to NSFAS. Then they will prepare a funding contract for you. You sign the contract. Then you get the money. It doesn’t matter which institute you eventually register at or which course you register for. However, you cannot change courses after registration. All the best, Kath
I failed 4 modules out of 5 and I know that nsfas will stop finding me ?? is there any possibilities of NSFAS to fund me again? Infact is there anything I can do to make that happen? Please I need help because I can’t pay for my studies ??
Hi, Was that 4/5 for the year or for the semester? If it was for the semester then you might still be OK. If it is for the year then you have lost your funding and you can’t get it back. Sorry. Other ways to get your studies funded are to take a job with an organisation that offers training as part of your work agreement. For example, the government is a big employer and offers training to employees. May be apply for a government job? All the best, Kath
i also have the same problem i failed 4/6 modules for the
semester but for the year i managed to pass 8/12 modules will nsfas still fund me….
If your average for the year is over 50% then you will still be funded. Add up all your marks and divide by 12.
my average adds up to 60%…..thank you for your assistance i highly appreciate….
Hi there,
I received funding from NSFAS this year and I am studying at UCT. I went through a few rough patches this year and failed two out of my six modules. Will I still be funded next year?
Hi, You will still be funded if you get an average of at least 50%. Kath
Kulani here, i’m currently a UNISA student and funded by nsfas.I was doing my first year in 2018,i failed 2 of my modules out of 10.I wanted to know if NSFAS will still fund me since i failed 2 of my modules?? If yes, will NSFAS pay for the modules i paid?
Hi, If your average is over 50% then you will be funded again. Add up all your percentages and divide by 10 to get your average. All the best, Kath
Hi. I have just received funding from NSFAS after I was told I had been rejected. I have been accepted into Uni and my marks all qualify HOWEVER, I was convinced I was not going to receive the funding and have put my Varsity plans on hold until next year and am going to now work this year. I had also left it too late to apply for the varsity of my choice and applied at another one as second choice. Will my funding still be available for next year? I do not want to lose this opportunity but am unable now to go this year. How will it work?
Hi, If your funding is approved but you didn’t sign the agreement and didn’t register an university then you will need to apply again next year. If you did sign the agreement and register and now are changing your mind, you will need to de-register at the university and also contact NSFAS to work out how to get out of your funding agreement. Hopefully it’s the first one. All the best, Kath
Hi..I got funded last year and failed 4/10 modules for my first year and I’ve registered to only repeat my failed modules, have I lost the funding..oh and do I get funding if I passed 50% of my modules or does it only apply for an average
Hi, You keep your funding if your average is over 50% for all modules. Add up all your marks and divide by 10. All the best, Kath
Hello, i didn’t apply for university in time so i was thinking of going to college for one year then apply university of my choice for next year but then i applied for nsfas so i wanted to know that if i apply college using nsfas wiĺl it still fund me even next year st university?
Hi, NSFAS do not allow course changes so if you take funding this year for college you cannot get funding again at university. NSFAS do allow you to change institutes and stay with the same course though. So if you start a NDip at college then get into university of technology, you can continue it there. Kath
Hi am Suzan. I applied for Nsfas in 2017 for 2018 funding. I am on my second year and have been paying for my fees since. I registered for first semester, and only realised that nsfas paid on the 2nd semester and all my modules were “reinstated”. The problem is that I didn’t sign the agreement form then. I recently received a message that I must sign the agreement form of which I did and re-registered. When I check my status It says “awaiting payment “. So what are the chances of me getting the fund for this year?
Hi, If you had NSFAS last year then you should have it again this year without reapplying, as long as you passed with at least 50%. If you think there has been a mess up with your contract though, you should probably phone NSFAS just to check that everything is sorted. All the best, Kath
Hi, i am khutso i would like to know if NSFAS do funding beauty courses offered at Tshwane North College.
Hi, NSFAS can fund any courses at TVET. Kath
hi,i am sphokazi , my nsfas has been approved but i want to study at richfield graduate institute, will they fund me?
Hi, NSFAS will only fund at public institutes, not at private. Richfield is a private institute. They do have their own bursary but it is for fees only. http://www.rgit.co.za/bursary-application/ All the best, Kath
Hi…. i did Dip in Accounting and i was funded by NSFAS for 4 years and i completed that qualification.
now here is my question is… am doing Bcom Accounting in different university can i apply again for nsfas or just update my NSFAS account ?and the possibilities that NSFAS is going to accept me again? thanks in advance
Hi, You can’t apply for NSFAS again. They will only fund one tertiary course. If you go on to post-graduate studies you can get funding again. If you need financial help for BCom Accounting, you will need to find a bursary. Have a look here: https://saili.org.za/bursaries-south-africa/ All the best, Kath
Hi I’m studying ncv at tvet college nd it’s my last year I’m funded by nsfas so next I wanna study LLB at a varsity will nsfas fund me?
Hi, Yes, NSFAS will fund you for one tertiary diploma or degree in addition to your NCV. All the best, Kath
Hello, im Sphesihle I was funded by nsfas last year doing my first year then I failed 1 semester module out of 7 I was doing so at my institution they took me back to complete that semester module before i can embark to second year, so i want to ask if is NSFAS going to fund me to do that 1 semester module?
Hi, Yes you should still have your NSFAS funding for your course fee however I can’t see them paying you all your other expenses if you are only doing one module. Probably best to check with the financial office at your institute. Kath
Hi My name is Abbey i am 36 yrs old , i passed my metric in 2002 ,i am currently unemployed ,can i qualify for study loan ? i want to study National Diploma in Safety Management with Unisa
Hi, There is no age limit on applying to NSFAS however they will only fund your first tertiary course. If this is your first National diploma then you can apply. All the best, Kath
Hi, my name is Moloantoa and I was funded by NSFAS in 2018 but failed 4 modules out of the 7 modules I was doing, I was told to appeal and I did that and up to now I haven’t gotten any response since I appealed in January. I am starting to feel like my appeal was unsuccessful, my question is…Do I stand a chance to re-apply for NSFAS with my 2019 academic results for 2020 or we only get one chance?
Hi, If you have lost funding due to not passing then you don’t get another chance. I suggest you phone NSFAS and ask what happened with your appeal. It is the only chance you have to get your funding back. All the best, Kath
Hi, my status on MyNSFAS has been stuck on “Awaiting valid registration data from institution” since last year and I never recieved an SMS or email link to sign my SOP form. I was told to sign and submit an AOD form from my school’s financial aid and it has been over 4 months without a reply.
Any suggestions? And will I possibly still be funded?
Hi, It seems like NSFAS never received your registration template from your institute. You need to ask your institute’s financial office for help in sorting this out. There doesn’t seem to be an advertised final date for signing the SOP this year so you should try and sort this out. If your institute is not helping, phone NSFAS. All the best, Kath
Hi I’m Martha , Im doing first year BED ,I failed 1 module, another one is supp out of five will NSFAS pay my fees again……
Hi Martha, As long as your average is over 50% NSFAS will pay your fees. All the best for your supp 🙂 Kath
Hi my name is Noma i just want advice i want to do beauty therapy but i only have grade 11 can i be able to study and ansfas can help me without matric because im not working
Hi Noma, you can start with Beauty level 2 and only need to have passed Grade 9. If you are in Cape Town there is information here about the course – http://www.cct.edu.za/what/beauty-therapy/full-qualifications/beauty-therapy-itec-diploma-level-2-3/ I have heard that NSFAS will not fund beauty though so please check that before you decide to register. All the best, Kath
Hi, my name is Precious from
Mpumalanga. Due to certain setbacks, I couldn’t finish school and I have a grade 9. I want to do technical matric at a public college, I don’t know which colleges offer that around Nelspruit and I don’t have funding. would nsfas be able to help?
Hi Precious, You can study at a TVET college and will be able to get funding from NSFAS. Ehlanzeni is your local college:
Address: 5B Koraalboom Ave, West Acres, Nelspruit, 1211
Phone: 013 741 3016
Website: http://ehlanzenicollege.co.za/
All the best, Kath
I cancelled 2 of my second semester module. Recieved an email stating that nsfas doesnt qualify for refund. Is there a way I could be helped?. I dont have money to pay for those modules next year and I really need to finish this HC so that I can start with my degree
Hi, It sounds like you cancelled too late so the fee was charged to NSFAS. I suggest you phone your college and ask how this is going to look on your academic record. If it a subject you registered for but didn’t complete then it may show on your record in which case NSFAS is going to count it when working out whether you passed more than 50% of your subjects. If you are rejected because of this you can appeal. There is a cut off date for appeals though so the best thing is to 1. Phone your college financial office and get an update, 2. Watch your NSFAS status and appeal immediately if you are rejected. All the best, Kath
hi my name is fundiswa i am studying somatology at Durban University of technology which is a diploma study now i am doing my final year so i was wondering if nsfas will fund me if i want to do another course on another institution
Hi Fundiswa, NSFAS will only fund you for one course even if you don’t complete that course. Sorry. Kath
Hi, i failed my matrix and wished to further my studies and study for a Office Administration course at TVET College so what do I do
Hi, You should go to a TVET and register for second semester now. They have started already with first semester. They can also assist you to apply for NSFAS funding for your course. If you don’t know your nearest college, please whatsapp me on 061 390 4470. All the best, Kath
Good afternoon
I failed one module will nsfas still continue to fund me?
Today I received an email seems like my student account has depleted. I there anything I can do? I really need to study
Hi, If you have passed more than half the modules then you will still be funded. I don’t know the answer to the depleted account problem. Sorry. Kath
Hi Kath, I failed matric in 2017 and am currently studying BA at icollege, I could like to study for beauty therapists next year, so I could like to know if NSFAS can help me Fund for my studies?
Thanks in Advance: Lenah
Hi Lenah, NSFAS don’t fund beauty, sorry. They will fund other TVET college courses though. All the best, Kath
Can you please help me with the website of college that offer beauty therapy around Limpopo.
Thanks. Lenah
Hi, It looks like there are no beauty courses at TVET colleges in Limpopo. This is likely due to the fact that NSFAS won’t fund it. https://colleges.co.za/list-of-colleges-in-south-africa/limpopo/ Kath
Hi my name is Lerato. I was doing ncv level2 last year because I did not have matric but the same year I also re-wrote my matric and I passed both of them very well. NSFAS funded my level2 will they find me if I change to nated without level 4
Hi Lerato, I’m not sure about this one. I suggest you check with the financial office at your college or phone NSFAS directly. All the best, Kath
hi,please help. i am currently studying law at university of free state and i am funded by nsfas. i want to change to bachelor of education at a different institution for next year. will nsfas still fund me?
Hi, Unfortunately not. NSFAS will only fund one degree, even if you don’t finish. There are other bursaries you could apply for though. http://www.zabursaries.co.za/education-bursaries-south-africa/ All the best, Kath
Hello my name is Khensane i’m studying IT Level 4 nsfas is funding me this year i failed two subjects in LEVEL 3 so next year i want to do short course i have matric i passed with diploma so will nsfas fund me next year if i change a course?
Hi, NSFAS will fund you for a National Diploma but not another certificate course. Kath