NSFAS- Show me the money!
Contact NSFAS: Facebook message Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme, NSFAS, offer financial support for tertiary study in the form of loans and bursaries. How do you get your hands on some of this money? Read on to find out!
NSFAS is a financial pool mostly funded by the Department of Education. Its aim is to support tertiary costs for families who can demonstrate financial need. If your family income is under R320 000/ year BEFORE DEDUCTIONS, NSFAS could be the answer. There are some things you should understand about NSFAS before you commence your application.
What can you do to ensure you have the best chance of being funded?
- Apply on time!
All public universities, universities of technology and colleges | First years and new applicants apply online between 01 Sep & 30 Nov. |
Private universities and colleges | NSFAS do not fund private colleges even if the courses are accredited |
Not applying for the first year? | NSFAS will contact your institute to find out your grades and they will notify you by SMS or post once this is complete. If you passed your subjects with an average of 50% or more, you will be funded again. You do not need to apply but do make sure your contact details are current. |
- Apply with all the correct paperwork!
Your ID and IDs of parent(s) and guardian(s) living with you | This is a not-negotiable. Your application will not be processed without IDs. . |
Proof of your family income being under R320 000 per year, before deductions. If your family has no income except SASSA then you leave the income section blank. |
I didn’t get funded, what went wrong?
If you didn’t get funded then one of the following happened:
- You did not achieve minimum academic standards
- Your form was late
- Your form was incomplete
- You changed contact details and did not let NSFAS know
- You didn’t sign your SOP/LAF (funding agreement) in time
You can appeal a NSFAS decision however you cannot appeal if you were late or your application was incomplete. More information about appeals processes.
I am going to be funded, when will I get the money?
If you are being funded for the first time, you can expect your funding by APRIL. Although, in 2018 some learners were not funded until JULY. This is after the date when you pay registration, Res deposits and after needing to buy stationery and text books. Most institutes will complete a means test with you and be aware of whether or not you are eligible. Based on this, they will put in a claim to the NSFAS office and NSFAS may give the go ahead for you to register and go into Res, with agreement that your payment will follow after the due date. You should check with your Financial Aid office and be clear about the procedures at your institute.
Next week’s blog will cover NSFAS Bursaries and more about funding allocation. You can also read more on the NSFAS website.
I want to apply f fees funding for my daughter am nt working. I need help
If you need help applying ask at the fees office of the institute your daughter is studying at. NSFAS funding is only for tertiary education.
Hi need help i tried contacting NSFAS offices but their number has apparently changed please help
Hi, I don’t think the number has changed but it can be hard to get through. You can also contact Khetha online chat. They may be able to assist you: https://www.careerhelp.org.za/ All the best, Kath
Hello I would like to know if I want to deregister at my current institution after being funded for first semester, will it find me successfully at a different school second semester? Or
Hi, If you are still studying the same course you are allowed to change institutes. All the best, Kath
Hi I’d like to know..will I pay back the money to nsfas after I’m done with my studies..I’m a first year student in Tvet?
You can make repayments at any time but ideally you start repaying once you have a job. http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/loanrepayments.html
I need to know that too! Did they answered to your question?
Hi Kath
I got a response from NSFAS stating that my application has been unsuccessful due to “After verification of your application, it was found that your combined annual household income exceeds the threshold amount for this grant.” which i find very surprising because my mom’s salary does not even exceed the R100.000 before deductions, can NSFAS give me another reason why my application was unsuccessful instead of copying and paste the same reason to everyone who’s application was dinied.
Hi, I suggest you contact them and ask for further verification. One problem might be that your mom’s before tax income is much higher than her after tax income. This could happen if she is paying into a retirement annuity and a medical aid. NSFAS consider before tax income. Also it sounds like they have considered other people in addition to your mom – everyone in your household who earns. If you provided an ID for your father they may have also been able to track down his income via SARS, even if you don’t know where he is. These are all just guesses. You won’t know unless you ask them. Sorry to hear of your financial troubles. All the best, Kath
Hi kath my application is on evaluation stage and i have submitted all outstanding docs how long will the process takes from the 6th January
Hi, NSFAS have not said how long until they finish resolving statuses. Just keep checking and hoping. All the best, Kath
Hi guys I need your help on something…I’ve applied for Nsfas and provided all the documents they’ve asked but when it funded me it only gave me the tuition fees money not the transport one so I need to know what went wrong because my mom even wrote an afidavit saying that I cant afford the transport so can you tell me what’s wrong if you’re relating to my situation.thank you
Hi, The problem is probably not with your application but with a lack of funds in the NSFAS money pool. NSFAS is not a bank. They have to share limited funds between all the students who apply. I’m not sure what your situation is but you are going to have to get a job to pay the transport or otherwise you are going to have to find someone else to cover your transport fees. It is always a good idea to apply for bursaries as well as your NSFAS. Studietrust (for example) often cover the parts that NSFAS don’t cover however you are too late to apply to them this year.
Hi,I am funded for Nsfas for 2016,but they have not yet paid my fees because I have not yet signed my loan agreementform.because my ccampus says Nsfas has go send an SMS to notify me to sign it.its gone whole year now everyone has signed but they telling me wait for the SMS.can someone please help me?
Hi, please phone the NSFAS CALL CENTRE on 0800 067 372.
Hi Chanelle, I’m in the same situation. Was your fees eventually paid?
Hi I received a respond from nsfas stating that am successful funded, but when I go to the
financial aid office at the institution, they are telling me that I am unsuccessful.so I don’t understand.
Hi, Lots of people are having this same problem at the moment. You will need to contact NSFAS directly and try to sort it out with them. I know it takes ages to get on to them but it will be worth it in the end. All the best, Kath
hi. what happens on the “funding eligibility” step when applying because there are no further instructions given
Hi, They are checking if your family meet financial criteria. You don’t need to do anything. Kath
Hi i i need help I’ve applied for nsfas on 2020 and provided all the documents i did not get money for transport nsfas only gave me the tuition fees when i go to bursary office at the college they say u must contact nsfa thank you
Hello. You will need to contact NSFAS directly with any queries related to your application for funding. Wishing you all the best, Lana
halo im done schooling my outstanding balance is R2569 is posible i can claim the money?
Hi, Do you mean you overpaid and want your money back? If so, then you can of course request that the outstanding balance be returned to you.
Hollow im a university student at the and i have applied for NSFAS so my concern is that i didn’t get any response to be ensured that my application has been processed,there for now i am willing to ask as to when am i going to get the response for acceptance
Hi, Please ask at the financial aid office at the institute where you have been accepted for study.
Hi Kath Morse, I am a studie trust beneficiary and the bursary that I got with the for 2016 is only a partial cover. I need to know abt their nsfas application progress, their means test and what else do they cover? And often when do they respond because their bursary is not going to cover me for everything. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance
Hi, You should check your application at the financial office of your institution because you should have heard by now if you are successful or not. NSFAS can cover all of your study costs including accommodation and meals and transport etc however your application is means tested. If your family earns less than R120 000 you may receive partial funding. If your family earns nothing you may receive all your funding.
Hi please help I’m studying medicine and i have applied on the 30th Nov 2016 but NSFAS still not answering my phone and the closing date is on the 1st Feb the admin office of my institution referred to NSFAS straight cause i have made it as self service
Hi, It’s a bit hard to understand your message however contacting NSFAS seems to be the only way forward to you at this time. I know it is hard to get them to answer but you need to persist. Some people are getting through.
Hi am a student at Randfontein westcol campus I applied for NFSAS last semester and this semester for transportation but still I haven’t received the money and I submitted all my documents, at the college they even asked me to submit my bank statement. Please help me out or maybe give me the head office numbers so I can call and confirm everything with them
Hi, The financial office at your campus is responsible for your application, you need to go and see them. Each institute has its own budget from NSFAS. Go to the admin building and ask there.
Hy im from a tvet college there is a lot of us who applied for the bursary and non of us got anything while the post says we should expect the funding in april
Hi, It sounds like your TVET is having a problem. Have you asked at the financial aid office there? Just to clarify, I’m not from NSFAS. I got the information in the article by interviewing a staff member from NSFAS. I guess the reality is that the system doesn’t always work the way it’s supposed to. I hope you are able to get your TVET to sort it for you.
good day i have problem receiving this xbux money and my parent are not working .i have try to go to checkers it declined .0720948634.
Hi, You’ll need to contact NSFAS directly for help with this. Sorry. Kath
i want to apply for nsfas next year and aparently my biological father passed away.but the problem is that I don’t have his death certificate so I will like to know if nsfas cn fund me wthout a proof of my father’s death?
Hi, You can get a letter on letterhead from a social worker, school principal or pastor who knows your family well. They can testify that your father is not with your family and to the best of your knowledge he has passed away. Kath
Dear Sir or madam
This year 2016 I am doing my final year in Bsc Environmental Sciences NSFAS covered up all my fees during the the course of the four years. Now I would like to know, because I have applied for MBchB Barchelor of Medicine and surgery to different universities which I am intending to pursue it just next year, 2017, I have applied for NSFAS to help me for the first year to cover up my registration mean while I am waiting for my bursary to take over. Will NSFAS take me?
Hi, My understanding is that NSFAS only cover your first undergraduate degree. You will need to look for funding elsewhere.
Hi my name is Less go.. I applied for funding last year for my diploma; I discovered that I had to change my qualification if I want to do my higher certificate since is easier to get credited for a degree. If I change to a higher certificate will nsfas pay for my 4 modules that I need to register for in a higher certificate (the modules I have to do for my higher certificate are the same as those in have applied for this semester).
Hi, I think it is going to be fine but you would be best to contact NSFAS directly, this is a blog ABOUT NSFAS.
Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za All the best, Kath
Hi, im a fomrer student at the durban university of technology. i still have an outstanding balance of R18 000, i graduated April 2014 till now i cannot get my diploma. will the NSFAS settle it? and when? Its hard applying for jobs without the qualification. Please help
Hi Vumile, I don’t know what to say for you. This is a terrible situation. Unfortunately the university are allowed to do this even though it is really horrible. Have you been to their financial aid office and asked if there is anyone who can help you?
Hi there
I applied for NSFAS in February this year, 2016, and only got an email last week to say I must come and sign my loan agreement so i did. In the email they attached a bank form, application for private accomodation and transport, which i filled in and submitted same time i signed. After i signed I received a pick ‘n pay voucher and intellicard to purchase stationary which was activated immediately. When is the actual loan going to reflect in my bank account? It has been a week already and I am still waiting. They also gave me a receipt showing how much I will get.
Hi, go and ask at your institute’s financial office. They will be managing your loan.
I am a first year student.
hi I dd my n4 last 5 months now I’m gng for n5 on July ….I have applied for nfsas on January. march thy told us how much will get.till June I didn’t get the money I haved asked at financial office thy said will get the money BT till now I didn’t get money . and next month I’m starting n5…situation like that wht must I do?
Keep going back to your financial aid office. Don’t give up. Make sure they know your name and face and you know all of them by name. That way if any money comes in, they will think of you.
Hi kath, does the loan paid to me return back automatically to Nsfas if I did nit use it? And if so why has it not reflected on my nsfas loan balance? The institution told me they sent the money back to Nsfas but Nsfas says they never received the money, why is that
Hi Shereen,
That is what is supposed to happen. I suggest you go to the financial office at your institute and ask them for proof of payment. You can then give that to NSFAS.
All the best, Kath
Is it possible for a student to use both bursary and NSFAS at the same time? Please help!
Yes 🙂
how is that possible…you mean I can apply for a bursary whilst I’m receiving funding from NSFAS?
Yes you can have a bursary and also NSFAS loan.
Funded by Nsfas on theyear 2016 but still I’m blocked to the system but money was reflecting to the system
Hi, You need to phone NSFAS directly with this problem or go into their office in Wynberg. Kath
dear sir or maam
i had recieved an email instructing me i should dail the number *134*176# to register for sbux. But when i do that it says i should enter a password which i do not know can you please advice where i should get the password
The NSFAS website says that you should reply with your ID number and then you will be given a password. Read “How to Get Started, First Time User” – http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/sbuxmerchant.html
My Sbux vouchers just disappeared. And there’s this say that I should pay back the money but I’m in my third level never got the remaining balance. That I will be paying back after my Degree. Maybe there’s someone who is busy eating out money . They always take my money last time they took my study material Sbux vouchers and now they took it again. If I have to payback the money give me a job! will start to pay and I gave a qualification that is useless and you paid for it.
Hi, Please contact NSFAS on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsfas.org.za/, email: info@nsfas.org.za or Phone: 0860 067 327. Also, please put a password on your phone and don’t share it with anyone Sbux are easy to steal. Kath
I registered at Unisa for the 2nd semester,I had applied for Nsfas last year but I did not get the funding due to insufficient funds.Anyway last week I received an sms stating that my registration has been finalized but I had not made any payment.When I go into my Unisa profile it shows that Nsfas paid the registration fee.I have not signed any documents n I called Nsfas today and I spoke to a guy that told me that my application for Nsfas was not approved.
I had made the Nsfas application at the Unisa campus.
What step should I take next?
I suggest you contact the financial office at UNISA. Sometimes they have NSFAS funding that becomes available because a student drops out. If you were still on their wait list then they may have allocated it to you. Obviously there should have been paperwork etc.
Hey I applied for NSFAS second semester 2016 on 15 June 2016. It replied with NSFAS is processing my application. It has been a month now and I have not yet received any response, I am very worried. Please help.
Please go to the financial office at your institute of study. They are responsible for this.
Hi my Nsfas application status says *eligibility evaluated* what does that mean?
It means you are eligible for funding. It might also mean that they have run out of funding for now but are waiting to see if others who have been successful might not take up the opportunity so that they can then give them money to you. This is just a guess though. Best thing to do would be to phone NSFAS and ask them.
am provisionally registered student at UFS.I got an sms from NSFAS saying am provisionally pending registration at a public university/College for this current registration period.Ref no******Can you please clarify it for me what should i do from now on
Let your financial office at UFS know that you have NSFAS funding. They should then notify NSFAS of your registration. NSFAS will then prepare a loan contract for you to sign.
Im a 3rd year student At a college early this year igot my fanancial statement for the past 2yrs and it said the school owes me R14400 for those two years for accomodation fee so my worry is if they don’t give me that money will i still have to pay nsfas the whole amount although i didn’t recieve it?and how do i see how much i owe nsfas?
Usually if you have overpaid you can request the financial department to reimburse you into your bank account. If it is NSFAS that overpaid the financial department can pay the money back to NSFAS and this should not show up on your loan. I’m not sure how to find out what you owe but you can request a call back from their website: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/loanrepayments.html
Hi nsfas sent me a message saying that I must go to rectify my loan agreement to the nsfas office and they said that I will be liable for my own tuition account. They sent me this message on the 29th of June saying I must rectify my loan on the 30th and that was not possible because it was during my recess and I was at home. Now my red called and said that my card for paying rent isn’t working. Did they cancel my contract? Please help
Well, they asked you to come in more than a month ago. If I were you, I’d go in.
I have a brother who is currently doing his first year at UKZN, the problem is my parents can’t afford his 2016 fees and he is currently owing, he can’t get his 1st semester results, as he needs those results to apply for NSFAS. My question is it possible for NSFAS to pay his 2016 fees?
Hi, As you’ve noted, your brother needs the results to apply to NSFAS. They are very particular about application paperwork. I don’t think there is any easy answer for this. They will need to raise the money so that he can get his results and apply for NSFAS for next year. He should also apply for other bursaries. Bursaries are listed at bursaries-southafrica.co.za
Hi,I applied for Nsfas early this year and I drop out on February,should I be worried that they will not fund me next year because I applied and drop out
Hi, Sorry about the delay in replying. I had to check this one out for you. You can reapply, even if you dropped out. 🙂
What if i dnt hv parrents and i live alone bt i’ve tryin’ to study by my self from N1 to N4 ,will i get Bursary n Nsfas if i submit affidavit saying all my parents are dead and i hv nothing of them,ID,matric, previous tertiary results ?
You will need their death certificates or a letter from a social worker, school principal or pastor who knows your situation well and can testify for you. The letter needs to be on letterhead with an address and phone number. You can also do the affidavit.
Hi my name is chresia i have passed my grade12 last year with high certificate , i wanna do nursing but my parents are unemloyed plz help nsfas
Hi Chresia, where do you live? There are learnerships for nursing in Gauteng. Otherwise, if you are applying to any accredited course you can also apply for NSFAS. NSFAS applications for 2017 are open now. http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/loans.html
Hi my name is Sphilile I applied at wsu unitra and they accepted my request, my name was there on the wall of the accepted people but the only thing NSFAS didn’t reply to my request they asked for R5000 for registration which I didn’t have, so I want to know if should I reapply or what because I already had student number
Hi, You need to go to the financial office at WZU and ask. If your application to NSFAS is approved then some institutes will let you pay registration late, when the money comes in.
Hi iam doing n4 human resource management and iam studying with a bursary so if I want to do my n5 to a different college is nsfas allowing that?
Yes you can change college. Make sure you note it on your application for next year. Applications are open now.
Yes it is allowed. Just make sure you note the change of institute on your NSFAS application. Applications are open now.
Hey what should I do wenvapply nsfas if I don’t know my father
Hi, You should write an affidavit to say you don’t know your father and then you also need to get someone of authority to agree that this is the case. If your father is not on your birth certificate then providing that should help. You can also get a letter on letter head from a social worker, school principal or pastor of a church that you are actively attending. The letter should state that the person knows your family, how long they have known your family and that your father is not known to you and does not pay any support.
I applyed know but my phone number is incorrect ,halp me ples
Email your updated personal information details to info@nsfas.org.za or fax it to 021-762 6386
hi there
I’m a final year student paying with nsfas. But this year it’s surprising bcoz the funding hasn’t paid for 2016 up until now and my concern is that I can’t even get my Traveling allowance up until the loan pays. Would like to know when does the funding actually pays for this year
Hi, You need to phone NSFAS and ask: General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries)
Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi,i received an sms from NSFAS saying that i am provisionally funded they even paid for my registration fee.Can you please assist me on what to do next to be able to sign loan agreement or any forms to proceed tution fee,accomodation etc.
I will really appreciate your help
Hi, They will send you a loan agreement. If you are worried, phone them.
my status is saying that im provisionally funded,but i havent got any agreement. i am confused now because i did not make it to register at unisa,but nsfas has approved, what can i do to win this issue? is there any possibilties that can stand in a chance to register?
You can only get the funding if you register. Phone or email UNISA and ask if they will accept a late registration. After you are registered you will get the funding contract.
Since today at unisa they accept the final payment for registration, actually i am confused cause i dont know whether is my duty to register or Nsfas cause my status says i am provisionally funded, and today is the final date for registration. i actualy dont know what to do next,,please help
“Provisionally” means on the condition that you are accepted at tertiary and on the condition that you register, you will get the NSFAS funding. GO AND REGISTER!!!
Then this means i should contact the nsfas for a proof so that unisa can allow me to register.
But then do i have to register with my money or UNISA will automatically deduct it from nsfas? because at the moment we dont have a cent at home.
Most institutes are being generous in allowing you to register without paying as long as you have proof that NSFAS is going to fund your studies. You will need to ask UNISA about this though.
Hi I have been funded with Nsfas for 2016.but my fee have not yet been paid,because I have not signed my loan agreement form.I went go my financial office at my university. They told me I need to wait for Nsfas to send me an SMS to sign it otherwise they cannont give me the forms.but everyone has signed it.and the year is almost over.I am worried I need to sign my forms.what must I do? Please help?
Hi, I’m a first year student at mangosuthu university of technology.I applied for nsfas last year november for 2016
they gave me reference number and password not funded, I would like to know that I have to withdraw my application and reapply for 2017
Hi, Please phone NSFAS- Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi,I am ncv student at tvet college,nsfas had paid my school tutorials and accommodation fees,but I am struggling to get refund form,I had seek for advice in our student support but I don’t get exact response,so I am inquire for valid protocols to follow in order to have my fees deposited into account/cash?and how long will I get it after form submition?
Hi, please phone NSFAS: 0860 067 327
I applied for nsfas funding in 2015 I did not get it when I asked they said they are still waiting and I should apply for 2016 for 2016 I got the funding what about 2015 is there money still gonna come or should I just forget about it?
Hi, You should contact NSFAS: 0860 067 327 Kath
Hi, Please phone NSFAS and ask them: 0860 067 327 Kath
hey nsfas Im Zinhle from Durban at Craigieburn.I completed matric last yr and I passed with a Diploma.Now I want to apply nsfas but the problem is I read some comments of other studients and I’m worry that maybe my application will not be Successfully.I’m an orphan since 1999 and I don’t know my father I raised with the family that were not my blood so even I’m staying with them,they don’t even help me with my application so that why I’m panicking.if I apply for nsfas mayb Thursday its will be late???so its can make my application decline or???plz help me!!!
Hi Zinhle, First to clear up, this is not NSFAS. If you want to contact NSFAS phone their help desk: 0860 067 327 My understanding is that you will need supporting documents to verify your family situation. This could be death certificates, your unabridged birth certificate (if it doens’t list your father then he is unknown), a letter from a social worker or your pastor or your school principal on letterhead, an affidavit explaining the situation. You are not late. NSFAS applications are still open. Kath
Hi im Angel i wanna know if i can apply for nsfas if i have nt been answered yet in any tuition
Yes. You must apply before the end of November even though you haven’t heard about acceptance for your course yet.
Hi, I don’t have both parents or a guardian. My dad died and left me in the house, iv been living alone ever since but I want to study. Will I be able to get nsfas? I never knew my mother.
Please assist.
Hi, Yes you can get NSFAS but you need to provide proof of your situation. For your dad – his death certificate is needed. If your birth certificate does not list your mom then you can provide that as proof that you never knew her. You must get a letter from your principal, pastor or social worker on letter head stating your situation. You can also do an affidavit at the police station. If you have any queries phone the NSFAS help line: 0860 067 327
I applied for nsfas in 2015 for 2016 but did not receive funding, so I managed to make up enough money to pay for my fees (which was really difficult), but I still owed R8100. In August 2016, I received an email regarding a loan agreement so I signed the loan agreement form at the financial aid office. Everything went well and nsfas paid all my fees for the year, leaving my account in surplus. The surplus gave peace of mind knowing that my registration for 2017 would be covered ( I am doing Bcom Accounting so registration has to be paid up before classes start in February, & the first payment needs to be paid towards fees is in March/April ). When I checked my account today, I saw that nsfas had withdrawn the whole surplus so now so I am worried about this.. Will nsfas pay for my fees next year? And will they be able to cover my registration on time? My course is very big so paying registration promptly is very important. Why would they withdraw the surplus instead of leaving it for 2017? Because I signed the Loan Agreement saying that they would cover my fees for 2016. Please help 🙁
Hi, This is normal. If money is left in your fee account at the end of the year, NSFAS do take it back. You need to reapply for next year. Applications are online and open until the end of November. You can also phone the help line if you are not sure where you stand: 0860 067 327
Hi..i applied bursary for this seconds semester at vhembe college around july..since from that time i didnt get any message or email to know that if am accepted or not…help me
Hi, Did you phone the NSFAS helpline? 0860 067 327
I’m nomkhohlane I’m in a process of applying for NSFAS I wil officially apply on the 19 cz dey need scanned documents bt I’m bcmng wrrd of wen wil dey rply bt he I dnt hv any prblms I hv already applied at UFS n mi app was considered so dey wil nid mi NSC results nxt yer bt strs free cz I’m sure I did we’ll in mi exms I jst wish thngs go we’ll 4 m in JESUS NAME
Hi, Phone them and ask when they will reply. Their number is on their website and also on this blog page.
Hi, I want to know if NSFAS can change their funding to another university other than the one specified in the online application should it happen that they are eligible for funding. I am asking this because I really doubt that one would be able to send multiple applications to NSFAS as they do to various institutions so as to accompany each application for admission to that university should they get accepted. My doubtfulness is due to the ID number as it already would be existing in the system so it would automatically decline it, haven’t tried it but I would really like to know if my suspicions are true.
Thanks 🙂
Yes. If you are approved they will change the funding to wherever you are accepted.
hi..I’m a first year student at TUT, I applied for NSFAS early February 2015… i think my application was not complete because I just completed my grade 12 last year 2015 so I was illiterate about how to apply for NSFAS.. i paid for my registration at TUT then continued studying hoping that NSFAS will respond…then they didn’t respond… I applied for NSFAS thoroughly again by August… so my question is will NSFAS pay my outstanding fees if they approve my application? because there’s no one who can pay my fees at home.. both my parents a unemployed..
Hi, NSFAS will not pay back fees from the course you already did. Also, if you don’t pass this year (from not paying fees) then they won’t pay for next year either. It is one of the big problems people have been protesting about with “fees must fall”. Best idea would be to phone them and talk to them about it. They have a help line.
hi I’m Nokulunga dut student..I received an SMS that I should sign the loan agreement my problem is that I’ve changed my number so I can’t get the once-off pin so I don’t know what is gonna happen please help..m so stressed
Phone NSFAS: 0860 067 327
Hi,i applied for nsfas but I didn’t get the message to submit my academic transcripts to continue with my application
Phone NSFAS today as applications close today. If your application is incomplete, it will not be processed: 0860 067 327
Hi i applied for nsfas on the 1st of August 2016 and so my problem is I haven’t receive any SMS from nsfas stating whether the received my application normally how long does it takes to get a respond from nsfas whether you will be granted the funding or not
Best Regards
Phone NSFAS: 0860 067 327 or email info@nsfas.org.za or go to their website and check at the self-service page – https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
As we have applied for 2017 will nsfas be paying registration fee or I HV to pay it
Hi, This year is a new process for NSFAS and I’m not sure how it will work out. Best to phone them and ask. Their number is on this blot or on their website.
Hi I’ve applied nsfas online and submitted my application on the 14th of November 2016. They haven’t responded, how long does it take for them to respond??
Hi, I don’t know because this year is the first time they’ve done centralised applications online. I suggest you phone them and ask. Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi I have been funded
with Nsfas for
2016, but my fee have
not yet been
paid. I have signed the aggreement contract. Plz Help!
Phone NSFAS: 0860 067 327
Hy my name is Joyce i was doing level 3 2016,nd i stil want to go one with my studies,my problm is tht i dnt have money to pay my accomodation every month o dnt knw whn wll the NSFAS pay for 2017 im warried couz i dnt have any money to pay my accomodation nd they want it every month,so i dnt knw wht to do couz i got NSFAF money on December woul like if it pay every month plz help
Does nsfas pay for registration fee.
Phone them and ask: Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
hai am noma-Africa I applied fr funding before end of November as I check on my online application on nsafs it says waiting for evaluation plz help is tht a good sign tht I will be funded or no
Their website says: “We are currently processing all received applications and application results will be communicated via SMS or
email at a time to be announced.”
Hi I was funded by NSFAS in 2014 but I dropped out of the institution where I was enrolled, this year I applied to a different institution and I have been accepted .. do I have to reapply for NSFAS ? and if so what are my chances of getting funding for 2017 ?
Hi, You do have to reapply to NSFAS every year. Applications are now completed online. They are now closed for 2017.
Hi!I am Vanessa I was doing grade 12 this year which is 2016 I will be doing the 1st year and haven’t got my results I have applied for the NSFAS since August and I haven’t heard anything from them should I be worried?
Hi, NSFAS have changed their application process and I’m not sure how it is supposed to work out now that you apply directly. I suggest you phone them and ask. Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi madam
I am Bonga.I have applied for NSFAS, so I would like to know how will I know if my application has been successful.
The NSFAS website says that they are resolving applications now. You can phone them and ask if you are worried. 0860 067 327
Update – apparently they are notifying of outcomes tomorrow.
Hi I want to study at johhanesburg but I haven’t applied for Nada’s us it still possible to apply
Hi, NSFAS is closed but they are reopening on 9th Jan.
Hi, nsfas was funding me in 2016 and my fees are still not paid and I passed all my subjects with distinctions. Pls help, I’m supposed to start practicals soon but I don’t know what to do
General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries). Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi I was doing my first year in 2016 I applied for nsfas in the 2nd semester and I got it in the trust fund I want to know if they will continue to pay for my registration and and tertiary fees this year?
Hi, You need to reapply for NSFAS every year. They are open now until 20th Jan for online applications.
thank you so much @Kath morse for helping our people,may the good Lord continue to bless you and your family,.your so kind hearted???????????????????????
Thank you 🙂
I am approved by Nsfas on 2016 and I signed the contract but they haven’t paid my fees yet, I am worried if they don’t pay soon I won’t be able to register
General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries). Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
I want to ask get I get nsfas bursary for second semester am new applicant can they pay my fees cause I live with single parent she is not working she z selling food
Hi, As far as I am aware, NSFAS is not planning to open for second semester applications. You would need to phone them directly though to confirm this. Kath
Hey… would Nsfas pay my fees if I’ve failed my Grade12?
hey…would Nsfas pay my fees if I’ve failed my Grade12?
General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries). Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
If you are applying for a TVET College course, it should be fine but best thing to do is ring and check.
hi am zoleka am at tvet college is nsfas can find me in second semester cause I fail first semester
NSFAS only refund you if you pass 50% of your subjects.
I was doing my first year last year 2016 at tut and I dropped out due to lack of fund and couldn’t terminate my contract with tut now I have outstanding fee of 14000 to pay before I can register this year
can nsfas fund me for my ououtstanding fees and my academic year fees??
General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries). Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi,I have signed the nsfas loan agreement for 2016 but my outstanding balance for 2016 has not been paid to the university of Limpopo,so I did not get my results…I am worried
General Enquiries (For general enquiries about NSFAS loans and bursaries). Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
what does academic eligibility evaluated means?
Hi, Please send me a link to the specific page where this term is used and I’ll see if I can work it out. Otherwise contact NSFAS: Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
I failed grade12 in 2009.i want to study n2 fina ncial management.will NSFAS fund me.
Yes. They are open for applications now.
Hello i complete studying and in my history enrolment form show me an outstanding balance what should i do?
Many institutes will not release your results unless you settle the balance. If you thinks someone else should have settled for you (a bursar or NSFAS loan), you need to contact them urgently.
Thank u, but i have got my results with an outstanding balance of R 4 745
Did you phone NSFAS?
Hi, my son has applied for an NC(V) course for 2017. We want to apply for NSFAS funding, as we won’t be able to afford the tuition otherwise. I am worried that the means test won’t qualify us, as our combined salary before deductions might be more than the maximum salary range. Do we stand any chance to get funding? Does the means test take into account income versus expenses?
Hi, The means test does not take into account expenses and there is no chance of getting the NSFAS LOAN if your income is over the R120 000 limit. However the NC(V) is funded by NSFAS BURSARY (not loan) and this has different requirements to the loan pool. You should still apply.
hi, i applied for nsfas last year 2016. so i was wondering to know about my application status of whether i do qualify or not, because my registration date is around the corner.. please help me um worried!!!
Hi, You should have heard by 5th Jan. I suggest you phone NSFAS and ask. Share Call:0860 067 327 | info@nsfas.org.za
hi…I would like to know does NSFAS cover registration fee?and if it doesn’t what happens with my university application
You will need to pay for registration yourself. If you have the NSFAS sttatus “provisionally funded” and you can’t pay, go to the financial office at your tertiary institute. Ask if they will allow you to register without payment until your NSFAS money comes through. Most institutes will do this if you have a “provisionally funded” status because they know that they will definitely get the money later.
Hi I tried applying for NSFAS on the 29th of November and also on the 30th November 2016 but the the system was too slow I couldn’t finish. After the application was closed, I continued with my application but it was not done, some documents weren’t uploaded. On Monday the 9th of January 2017 I received an email saying that NSFAS has received my application. I tried to login on my accound it says my application is submitted but I know very well that it is incomplete. What should I do?
Try going to this page, log in and click “complete registration” https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice Otherwise phone NSFAS.
Hi there!
I got an SMS from Nsfas yesterday
saying “You are provisionally funded
pending registration at TUT. Nsfas will notify you once your loarn Agreement is created.
all I want to know is are they refering to my registration fees of what …can u please explain this to me??
If you register at TUT then NSFAS will fund you. They are waiting until you act upon the study offer before they give you money. If you need money to register at TUT then you will may have to pay for it yourself. If you can’t pay, go to the financial office at TUT and ask if they will allow you to register without payment until your NSFAS money comes through. Most institutes will do this if you have a “provisionally funded” status because they know that they will definitely get the money later.
Hi I signed the loan of agreement, but Nsfas didn’t payed yet. I called them, they told me that they payed , but when I checked my statement account it didn’t showed. Please help me what I need to do in this situation
Call them again.
I received this sms” You are provisionally funded pending registration at TUT. NSFAS will notify you once your Loan agreement is created. T&C apply.”
Does this mean my application is approved and if so when will i get Loan agreement forms?
Yes you are funded as long as you register at TUT. You will get your loan agreement after you have completed registration. If you go to the website you will find a self-service page where you can see details about the status of your application.
Can they also pay my registration fee?
Hey Kath
its me again….I’ve paid my registration fee of R1500 but haven’t paid R1200 yet for Residence ….can nsfas pay it on my behalf??
because right now I don’t have it
thnx for the prev response Kath.
Please phone NSFAS and ask them.
Hi,what things does the nsfas cover for a student,I am asking this question becouse I have no parents so I want to apply for nsfas,so I want to know how does nsfas going to help me
They may cover fees, text books stationery, transport and living expenses.
Hi does NSFAS pay Historical Debt/ Outstanding fees?
No, I don’t think so but you could phone them and ask them.
hy I applied last and the only response I got from Nsfas is that they are processing my documents n that they will b reopening and they sent it via email nt sms..I am also nt sure if I should send my matric result when I try to call it says the call is unoptanable…pls help
Go to the self service page on the website and see if they are requesting additional documents.
will I b able to do that bcs I didn’t apply online I sent my form via email??
If they have processed your paperwork then you should be able to see that online. If you can’t see anything then they didn’t process it. It’s not too late to reapply though. They are still open for applications until tomorrow.
Hi,i have applied for nsfas last year october but i haven’t receive SMS stating whether my application was approved.
Have you been on the website and gone to the self-service page? You should be able to see from there. Otherwise phone NSFAS
Hi, mi application status says “awaiting availability of funds” what does this mean? Please help, I have tried to contact nsfas but they don’t answer at my university they don’t know also, I am starting to panic because I am supposed to register on Wednesday ,BT now I don’t have money
I don’t know. I haven’t heard of this status before. I’ll try and find out for you.
Please do. M in a panic mode
Hi, I got lots of answers but not the answer to this one. Sorry. Suggest you keep trying to phone them.
Hi my brother applied for nsfas and got an offer at ukzn so we don’t have money to register what should we do and nsfas status still said academic eligibility evaluated
Ask UKZN if they will allow you to defer payment until the NSFAS money comes through. Many institutes will do this as long as they can see that NSFAS have approved funding.
hi am currently doing ncv at a college I want to know
does nsfas cover for accommodation only when you have passed 7 subjects?
Phone NSFAS and ask them. They do take into account your academic record.
Hi kath ,please find out for me about my application status “waiting availability of funds”
Hi,I received an SMS stating that i am provisionally funded pending registration at Tut and Nsfas will notice me once the loan agreement contract is created does this mean I they will fund me what should I do next.
Yes that means they will fund you. You should register then they will send you the loan agreement. If you can’t afford or borrow the registration fee you can ask at TUT if you can pay once NSFAS funding comes in.
I got the same message so I went and registered yesterday but now my status says ‘awaiting availability of funds’ and it is creeping me out, please help
I am trying to find out about this. I contacted NSFAS directly, they told me to send an email. They didn’t reply. I’ve contacted a journalist this morning. Hopefully we a can all get answer soon.
Hi please help me, I applied via email on the 30 of November and there is no response from now, I’m studying with Unisa and I’m from a very poor back ground, registrations are closing on the 27th January, I’m dropping out each year and I can’t find any employment, my contact no is 083 7110 716, student no 48203815, I can’t sleep at night thinking about my future but I can’t give up, please help and thank you in advance!.
Hi, Please contact NSFAS. Keep phoning and sending emails until they reply. You can also go online and check on the website via their self-service page and see where your application is up to.
I want to know what I must do if I want NSFAS to change their funding to another university I’m admitted at?
I don’t know the answer to this yet. Did you login on their self-service page and try to do it from there? https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
Hi, NSFAS say you can go and register at any university where you are accepted and if you have been funded for another institute, the funding will follow you.
I want to know if my NSFAS application wasn’t successful…can I reapply again if I have a reference number
There is an appeals process and you can get the form here: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/appeal.html If your application was unsuccessful because your family income is over R120 000 / year then appealing isn’t going to change that.
My NSFAS status states
Academic Eligible Evaluation
can you please clarify that for me?
If you are a returning student NSFAS will refund you as long as you meet academic standards -“eligible”. They check your results with your institute -“evaluation”. Their website says that you must have passed 50% of your subjects to be refunded.
Hi I did my first year of BSc(life sciences) in 2016 at the University of Limpopo,and I was funded by nsfas,but now I applied and got admitted to first year in BEng(mechatronics) for the academic year 2017 at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.I want to know if nsfas is still going to fund me or not.
Hi, I’m sure there is a way to change your institute but I haven’t found out what it is yet. Did you try the self-help page on their website? https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
Hi, NSFAS say you can go and register at institute where you are accepted and if you have been approved for funding, the funding will follow you.
does this mean I have to find money to registerdoes this mean I have to find money to register?
does this mean that I have to find money to registerdoes this mean that I have to find money to register?
My NSFAS application was approved for the university that I was not accepted on. I got accepted at University Of Venda but my NSFAS application was approved at Vaal University. What do I do now?
My NSFAS application was approved for the university that I was not accepted on. I got accepted at University Of Venda but my NSFAS application was approved at Vaal University. What do I do now?
Hi, I don’t know the answer to this yet. Did you try and change your details on the self-service page of their website? https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
Hi, NSFAS say you can go and register at any institute where you have been accepted and if you have been funded by NSFAS, the funding will follow you.
Hi I am registered at unisa and was funded in 2016, so I got a message on Tuesday that I was approved but my registration is yet finalised. ..should I be worried or wait a little longer
Do you mean your registration at UNISA?
Hi last year I was in level 3 at barberton college I was funded by nsfas I want to know if nsfas will continue funding me this year because I’m doing my last year
Their website says that if you passed more than 50% of your course then you are automatically refunded.
Hi, The NSFAS website says that you do not need to reapply if you have been previously funded. You must have passed 50% of your subjects though and they check with your institute.
hey im accepted at UP I wanna know if nsfas will pay for my registration…I applied on the 10th of January this year
Take your letter of approval along to registration. My understanding is that you can register and then then UP send a registration template to NSFAS, NSFAS prepare your contract, you sign, they send the money to UP.
Hi i I got SMS stating I am provisionally funded at tut the thing is that I did not get space at Tut they said I should apply for second semester will they fund me even at second semester please help
I don’t know. Phone NSFAS and ask them.
Hi i got an sms stating my student number saying “you are provisionally funded for nsfas pending on your registration at TUT but my application at tut is not yet accepted please help.
Hi, You can accept an offer from any tertiary institute and go and register. Your funding will follow you. Make sure you take the letter along to registration. If you don’t have any tertiary offers then you won’t be funded.
hi i have applayed for nsfas last year november bt i hv nt gt sms, so should i woried
Hi, You can check your status online at https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice NSFAS say that they are still processing applications but everyone will hear by Friday this week.
I checked my Nsfas status it says provisionally funded and I don’t know the meaning of this .Nsfas also sent me an email saying conditionally approved please help i dont understand
It means that as long as you are accepted to study and you go to register, you will be funded. When you register, take your NSFAS letter with you. They will then send a registration template to NSFAS and NSFAS will prepare a contract for you to sign.
Hi Kath
i have paid my registration fee and received an email from NSFAS to say I am provisionall approved pending registration. Do I need to take this email to the finance department or will NSFAS obtain this from the university?
Take your email to the finance department. I am not really sure how the process is going to work.
hellow, currently I am studying my first year in assistance of NSFAS ans I have decided to change course next year so don’t know if NSFAS will still cover me or what, thats where i am confused.
Best thing is to phone them. My understanding is that if you passed 50% of your subjects you will be refunded.
Hi I got an email from NSFAS saying that I am provisional funded pending from my registration and I did register at university of Zululand.I want to know that in order for me to be funded I need to show this message to the varsity or they will automatically know thank you
Hi, The process is supposed to be that when you register, Zululand must send registration template to NSFAS, then NSFAS open a contract, you sign, then NSFAS pay money to Zululand and you. So, if you didn’t tell Zululand that you were NSFAS funded, I think you need to.
Hi i’m a sstudent at Mangosuthu unniversity of technology the classes have started actually it been two weeks but ihavent started to attend due to nsfas idont have an accomodation iwent back home because they want a deposit of 4000 at school but icant afford it because im unemployed and no one is working at home since im an orphan ijust need your help atleast get a place to stay already im left behind please help me please ihave spoken to the social workers even at school they know about my situation everytime when I check my nsfas status it says waiting for availability of funds at times it says tap for application please idont know what to do anymore ihave tried asking for help but my voice is not heard please make me a better person
Have you tried phoning or emailing NSFAS? Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Hi ,I’m accepted at nwu for first year and my nsfas application was unsuccessful due to my academic results. .so I want to know if I can register with my own money and make apeal will nsfas fund me , because both of my parents are not working..when should I make apeal?
Hi, NSFAS make decisions based on the following: 45% financial need, 45% academic merit, 10% course choice (with scarce skills favored). Information about the appeals process is here: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/appeal.html The application form is here: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/downloads/NSFASAppealForm2017.pdf
Thnx Keth i will try another tertiary institution.God bless u on the work that u do.
hey kath I don’t have money for registration to pay at UP so will nsfas pay for my registration
Hi, This is the way I understand it. When you go to register at UP, you take along your letter from NSFSA. UP should then send a confirmation of registration to NSFAS. NSFAS will send you the contract to sign and then they will pay UP for your registration.
Hi, I’ve registered at UJ two weeks ago but my NSFAS status is still ‘Provisionally funded’. Also I want NSFAS to cover my accomodation on NSFAS accredited off campus student accomodation and meals only. What should I do?
Did you inform UJ when you registered that you were NSFAS funded? They need to send a registration template to NSFAS after which your contract will be generated.
Hi Kath. .can u please tell me ist true when you are more than 28 yrs ,you don’t qualify to apply for nsfas
This is not true. You can apply at any age for your first undergraduate studies (certificate, diploma or bachelor) or to upgrade undergraduate studies (eg: from diploma to bachelor).
kath is it possible for nsfas to respond before Friday if i was successful If I applied on the 10th of January this year
I applied to nsfas last year and this January on the 20th but nsfas has not responded me yet and the registration closing day at nmmu for my course is Wednesday,I’m so confused.I tried to ask the institution to let me apply but they refused,should I apply for a study loan?
You can go and register. NSFAS have spoken to all institutes to say that they must accept registration if you have applied to NSFAS pending the NSFAS final decision which will be on Friday. Don’t miss your registration.
student number: 216446929
How long will it take for NSFAS to approve funding for my off campus a ccomodation?
NSFAS are saying that all applications will be responded to by Friday.
by all applications the ones who applied this year Jan will b included in the responds from nsfas on Friday?
Good day
I have applied and been provisionally approved by NSFAS. I don’t have money to register at Unisa.
Please assist me the steps to take, registration closes Friday.
Thank You.
Hi, My understanding is that you can register without paying as long as you have the NSFAS letter stating that you are funded. UNISA then sends a registration template to NSFAS and NSFAS prepare a contract for you. After you have signed, they will pay UNISA. I suggest you phone or email UNISA and check that this is correct – or go into their nearest office. My experience with UNISA is that they do reply to emails reasonably promptly.
I have called and emailed to nsfas countless times and still there is no answer,can you please give me a specific number/email address that I can contact?I have also missed my registration because I have no application or admission status on my nsfas account.Please help me.
I applied for NSFAS this year , but the form said I must only submit my ID copy and copy of my statement .
but i sent the affidavit only yesterday . I want to know if NSFAS will still respond ?
Supporting documents are still being accepted: Supporting documents must be emailed to: apply@nsfas.org.za or faxed to: 086 644 2822. Remember to clearly write your ID number on the top right corner of each page.
Hi I have applied for Nsfas last year and I am supposed to be doing my second year, my status says academic eligibility evaluated ,should I be worried and if ever I am approved will they pay my fees for last year?? Please help
Hi, NSFAS do not pay debts so you are only being considered for this years’ fees.
What does “financial eligibility evaluated” mean???
It means they have checked (or are checking ) that your family meet the income criteria.
Does that mean I will be funded or not ??
Hi, I am a first entering student at the university of Limpopo. last year I applied for NSFAS and on the application, I indicated that I’ll be going to the university of Johannesburg. On the 10th of January I got an email from NSFAS saying I’m provisionally funded. Later on that week I got an SMS from university of Johannesburg telling me that my NSFAS application has been approved. I went to the university of Limpopo’s financial aid office and explained this phenomenon to them and they said I should send them an email telling NSFAS that I am at university of Limpopo. I did send the email and I’m now scared because I didn’t get any response back.What should I do
In a recent press release NSFAS said that if you register at an institute that is different from the one they funded you for, the funding will follow you. Just make sure that they know.
Greetings, I received an email saying I am provisonally approved for funding pending registration, do I have to register myself first, and they will take over after?
Yes, you need to register. Tell your institute you are NSFAS funded. They then notify NSFAS that you have registered. NSFAS will prepare your contract. You will sign and then the money will come in.
Hey I’m my name is Bryan and I got provisionally funded by nsfas but I haven’t got a university or tvet to study
I was wondering what would happen to my application if I am to be disable to study this year
Hi, If you don’t study this year you will have to reapply for next year.
hi I’m a returning student I have applied nsfas last year around September but my application status is still saying awaiting evaluation escalation
I know they are having trouble processing applications. You can phone them or you can wait patiently. You can also speak to your institute. Most institutes understand the difficult position NSFAS applicants are in.
Hi Kath, last year I was studying IT at TVET college. I applied and got NSFAS last year but I dropped out because of family matters. Am I going to get NSFAS again this year?
Hi, If you withdrew from your studies properly then you may be refunded however if you dropped out and it registered on your record as fails then you will not be refunded. Best to phone NSFAS and ask.
hi…I’m a student in Gert sibande college doing level 3 office adminstration this year…this is my second year…last year I was doing my first year so bursary paid for me last year….so the problem this year is that my both parents are the money that exceed the bursary loan limit….so what must I do????????????
Hi, You can still apply for NSFAS funding up until the 14th Feb. Apply online: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/loans.html
Hy,I’m studying at UNISA and fail to pay the balance last semester, then I applied for NSFAS, now the status says financial agibility evaluation, what does that mean,are they going to fund my registration fees and balance due to UNISA.?
Hi, It means you are approved for costs for this year (including registration). NSFAS do not pay debts.
Iv applied for nsfas last yr nov and again this year January and i ddnt get any respond from them.and is my frist year at UL. Please help me what to do cos im stressed and my parent doesnt have money to pay for my fees.
Hi, I know it is frustrating but you have to keep trying to phone or email NSFAS. You can also speak to UL. They know that there are huge problems with the new NSFAS system and most universities are being helpful and kind to students who are waiting to hear.
Hello please explain what does “Financial Eligibility Evaluated” mean?
Hi, It means they have checked (or are checking) that your family income meets their criterion.
Hi I applied for nsfas last year then I reseived an email stating that im provisionally funded.what does this mean?
It means that as long as you are accepted at a tertiary institute and go to register, you will get the funding.
Hi, I received an email saying I’m provisionally funded on the 12th of this month now my problem is I did not show the letter to the institution but my status still says provisionally funded, will it work tomorrow when I show them? if so when will I get the food allowance?? thank you..
You need to let your institute know that you have NSFAS funding. They are supposed to notify NSFAS that you have registered so that a contract can be drawn up. You will need to sign the contract and then you get funding.
When I went to UFS and try to giste by NSFAS, they said that im not funded yet as my NSFAS status states that im provisionally funded, they said I must wait for sms from NSFAS which will verify that im funded. So how long will it take to get that sms?
Hi, I know this is all very confusing but you have been incorrectly advised by UFS. Your funding is provisional upon them offering you a place and you registering. Once you are registered NSFAS will offer you a funding contract. Go back and speak to someone else.
Thank you
Where is the financial aid office o NSFAS?
Financial Aid offices are at the tertiary institutes. They used to manage the NSFAS application process but now you have to deal directly with NSFAS. It’s possible some of this blog content is out of date.
hi I feeling stressed, I had apply for nsfas but my application so waiting for the availibilty of funds, I received a email that my application was unsuccessful I attach all my documents, I don’t have the money the to register what can I do feeling depressed.
You can appeal: http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/appeal.html
Hi so if they say “financial eligibility evaluated” does is mean I will be funded or not???
Good question. Lots of people want to know the answer to that. If you find out, please post the answer here? My guess is that you will be funded if they have enough money but they don’t know yet.
Hi Kath I got a massage from nsfas which says I am provisionally funded pending registration what does it mean
It means that once you have registered at your institute, your will get funding.
Hi,I was already registered when I applied for nsfas and I got the message saying I’m provisionally funded.I want to know if they will automatically send the agreement form for me to sign or do I have to send proof of registration?
That is an excellent question and if you find out the answer, I’d love you to post it here. My understanding is that you need to notify your institute that you are NSFAS funded and they communicate with NSFAS to confirm your registration. Then NSFAS generates a loan contract for you. If it is something else, and you find out, please let us all know?
It also state that on my online application
I think that there will be some communication between UNISA and NSFAS then they will offer you a contract. I suggest you let UNISA know that you are NSFAS funded because I’m not sure how the communication process will work.
Hi, my NSFAS application status is “provisionally funded” . I understand the meaning of that, now I want know where I can a “confirmation letter” so that I can apply for accommodation. I’ve been tryinv to call NSFAS the whole day.
I meant to say, where I can get a “confirmation letter”
From NSFAS, which means trying to phone until you get through. Sorry.
I know it is frustrating but you can only get the letter from NSFAS so you’ll have to keep phoning. You can also check with your institute if they require the letter. The tertiary institutes know that the process is a mess this year and most are trying to not make unreasonable demands.
I applied for nsfas online and submitted only transcript of my grade 12 statement and my ID .I want to know if nsfas will reject the application. but I really need the funding.
You can still upload outstanding documents if you login on the self service page. https://my.nsfas.org.za/sites/selfservice
Hi kaith.I’ve applied for nsfas for 2017 I haven’t received an SMS when I check on uj website(approved list) it says I qualify but unfunded when I call nsfas they say they aren’t responsible I should wait an SMS however registrations are closing tomorrow I need to know where I’m standing what can I do?
Hi, I am just guessing here, but it seems that UJ have assessed your financial status and know that you are likely to qualify but NSFAS haven’t resolved your application yet. NSFAS have instructed institutes not to refuse registration to students waiting to hear if they are approved. I suggest you go to UJ and register and explain your situation. There are lots of others in the same situation. They will understand.
Hi, my status it is saying ‘provisionally funded’ and I also appear on list that was displayed at fort hare university as provisionally funded yet again…I would like to know if what does that mean, am I funded or not?
by the way I am registered and also is accommodation is sorted..
Yes you are funded. Make sure your institute knows that you are with NSFAS
Hi kath ….how this process of academic eligibility evaluated take?
I don’t know.
I’ve received an sms saying “provisionally funded”. I’m registered at a university so I’d like to know what I must do now.
Make sure your institute knows you have NSFAS funding. NSFAS will then generate a loan agreement for you.
My application status says “Provisionally funded” ,and I also received an email and SMS saying I am provisionally funded pending registration at a public university. Whereas I have already registered by myself, what does this mean?
Your institute needs to communicate with NSFAS that you have registered, after which you will be offered a funding contract. Make sure your institute knows that you have NSFAS funding.
I got an email saying that “I’m provisionally funded “so what does it really mean?
As long as you have a tertiary offer and you go to register, you will get the funding.
Hlw I’m studying at the university of technology, NSFAS is funding me and it has also paid my registration fee so I just want to ask where will I get my NSFAS card so that I will be able to buy meals?
They send vouchers to your cellphone. http://www.nsfas.org.za/content/sbuxmerchant.html
i got a message saying,”Dear Student, You are provisionally funded pending registration at a public University/TVET College for this current registration period.The application reference number is XXXXXXXX…. NSFAS”
What does it mean???
It means you will be funded as long as you were offered a place at a public tertiary institute and you register there. After registration they will send you a contract.
hi ..if the status says “awaiting availability of funds” ,does it mean i’m going to be funded?
I suspect it means you are eligible but they’ve run out of money. Should money become available (through someone not taking up the loan offer) they will allocate it to you. But this is really only a guess. They only way to be sure is to phone them.
HI Kath.. I have applied for NSFAS last year before the 30th of November 2016, my application was received and processed and i was accepted. They sent me an SMS saying that they will wait for the institution to discuss the funding as from the 5th of January 2017. I have registered at my institution which is UNISA and i am a first year student.
The registration is closed and i do not know if my registration was finalized or not and i have not heard from NSFAS.
Hi i have chosen the course that i dont like it,why?because the course that i wanted to do was already closed.so the one that i am currently doing contain things that i have never did at school.so i just wanted to ask that if i drop out nw will nsfas allows me to apply again for next year?
If you discontinue properly by giving notice at your institute then NSFAS may still consider you next year. You can’t just stop going to class though. You can also speak to a course advisor at your institute and see if there is a possibility of changing courses. Someone on your preferred course may also be moving out and you can take their spot.
Hi I am a transferring student and also I am changing my course.I was funded by nsfas for 2016.I have registered with the current institution but I did not receive communication from nsfas.I do not have a status on the self-service of nsfas,so what can I do to ensure that nsfas notice that I have changed my institution and course?
Please respond to my query.
Hi ; I am supposed to be the first year student at the UFS but they don’t allow to register because I don’t have the registration fee. I got the SMS saying I am provisional funded. My worry is that at the financial aid office they I should wait for another SMS. While I’m not sure how long it will take because registrations are closing on the 10th please help I! M stressed.
Phone NSFAS and ask them to email you a letter stating you are funded. Take that letter to UFS. They really shouldn’t be refusing you registration if you are going to be NSFAS funded. Hopefully getting the letter will make a difference.
Hi sir or madam am Majinta Thabiso my NSFAS application status says academic eligibility evaluated what does that mean?
It means NSFAS will fund you this year
hey my status say am” provisional funded pending “…what does it mean
if you apdid not a room at red but you don’t have money to pay for a rent what should you do
It means once you register and your institute notifies NSFAS that you have registered, they will fund you. Go speak to the Res. They understand the problem with NSFAS funding this year.
hi,ive checked my application status for nsfas saying provissionally accepted ,i havent recieved an sms confirming that,is it important that i recieve the sms or should go and cosult the fees office at witz where i school?
please help bro
Go and consult the fees office. Hopefully they also have notice of your funding.
Hy kath I’m a first year student at uj and my status says I’m provisionally funded but when I consult nsfas office they said I should wait for the second sms which will say if I’m approved or not….my lecturer told me to buy textbooks and I don’t have money I can’t even afford my transport I’m in a bad state
It sounds like this is the new way of saying that you are approved but they don’t have any money left. It doesn’t mean you won’t get funding, just that they are still waiting to see if they have anything for you. I agree that you shouldn’t buy text books now. Go to the library and see if you can borrow them. In the horrible case that you DON’T get funded, remember you are financially liable for your fees. If you can’t pay your fees and will have no chance of paying you can try again with NSFAS next year. Make sure you notify your institute properly if you leave otherwise your fees and failures will keep adding up.
Hy am Xolile, I applied for nsfas last year if I checked my status its says”provisional funded” but I didn’t get an SMS from nsfas. What can I do now coz I really nid this nsfas am doing my first year at ukzn n I don’t have anything if I go there they I’ll come back if I got an sms
You have some options. You need to phone NSFAS and ask them for the approval letter then take it to UKZN. I know they are hard to get on to but people DO get through. You just have to persist.
OK, having read another post on this page… do you have “provisionally funded pending registration” or just “provisionally funded”? If it is pending registration then you can phone and ask for the letter. If it is just “provisionally funded” I think that this is the NSFAS way for saying that you qualify but they don’t have any money left. That doesn’t mean you won’t get money, just that they don’t have it now and they will let you know when they do. They keep changing this status wording which is super annoying and unclear. Sorry to leave you so unsure.
Plzzz help!!!
Good day I have registered at unisa and applied for nsfas funding but it say provisionally funded pending what does this mean and I have already paid my registration will nsfas pay me back
It means pending registration. Make sure UNISA know you are NSFAS funded. Once NSFAS are notified you are registered, they will generate a loan contract for you. The funding should cover the registration cost.
hi there, I also registered with my university and paid my own reg fee…and now I am funded by nsfas…do you think they will pay us back or have you heard anything from them
Hi, Yes I think you will be paid back but it will take a while. The money will go to your institute and you will have to request it back.
what must i do after receiving message saying am provisionally funded from nsfas
You must go and register at a tertiary institute and make sure that they know you have NSFAS funding. They will then notify NSFAS of your registration and NSFAS will prepare a loan agreement for you.
Its oky thankx a lot
I’m a final year ukzn student studying law… however I have two previous outstanding modules which I can only do next year. Is it possible for NSFAS to cover these….
If you have NSFAS this year and pass more than 50% of your subjects then I think it will be fine. You should phone and check though… later in the year… when things calm down.
Hi Kath. I applied to a few bursars and NSFAS as well. Fortunately I got a bursary that pays only for my registration fee and tuition fees. I also have “provisional funding” from NSFAS. Is it possible to have NSFAS pay for my books, accommodation and food? I worry that the bursars will terminate the agreement should NSFAS be involved. My intention is to not commit any sort of fraud but I will need a place to stay and so on.
Yes NSFAS will work with the bursary you have to cover your extra costs. Make sure NSFAS and your bursar both know about each other. Also contact the financial aid office at your tertiary institute and explain the situation.
I registered at unisa without registration fee so they told me that my registration will be finalise if I paid the minimum registration fees,so I realize that I won’t have that money before closing date then I decided to go to tut to register with my money,i already attending at tut ,NOW I got sms from unisa that my registration has been finalized,that means nsfas paid my registration fees coz my status says provisionally funded.MY QUESTION IS THAT IF I Cancel my registration at unisa will nsfas pay funds me at tut coz where am attending now?
please help me
That sounds like quite a mess. You will need to phone NSFAS to sort that out.
Hy will like to ask I got the email from nsfas saying I’m provincially funded so will the definitely fund me?
Yes, as long as you are accepted by a tertiary institute and go to register.
Hello . I got a massage that my application is provisionally funded . the problem is that my I was not able to get into university this year because I didn’t have the registration money . so I wanted to know that since my application is funded , will I have to apply for next year or what?
Yes you will have to reapply next year.
I applied for NSFAS last year, and I got an email saying I am provisionally funded, so I didn’t get a school red but I am in search of off-campus red but I heard other people telling me about the top up that should be paid if I’m living at an off-campus red,so with that concern I can’t live at red since I can’t even afford that top-up so I was wondering if NSFAS will fund me in terms of transport.
I basically new clearance on this top up issue
If Nsfas can pay for my transport
And if NSFAS gives monthly allowance
Sorry I mean residence not red
Yes NSFAS does offer the various allowances you mentioned. You should phone and ask them for a letter as this will state specifically what they are offering for transport and living expenses.
hello, I received an email from nsfas saying I am provisionally funded so I want to know what that statement mean, because the other person told me that I should wait for an sms which I haven’t received and I have already registered at a public university
Make sure that your institute knows you have NSFAS funding. They will then communicate your registration with NSFAS and NSFAS will prepare your loan agreement.
I applied for NSFAS last year they didn’t reply and I applied early early this year and they send me an email saying I’m provisionally funded pending on the registration on university and I go to uj to confirm bt they say they can’t register me and now I am worried coz I don’t have money to register as I come from disadvantage background and now classes have started and I’m afraid that I might be left behind so if there any how NSFAS can help me plz plz help ii reay need money to register
They won’t pay until you register. UJ have been registering NSFAS applicants. Do you have the NSFAS letter? If not, phone them and ask for it. I also saw someone on the NSFAS facebook page said they got the letter at UJ and then went to register. Try asking on the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544966912294453/
I applied for NSFAS and another bursary then I got approved by the other bursary which covers registration fee, Tuition gees and prescribed books only. I got a massage from NSFAS confirming that am provisionaly funded. I already enrolled with the other bursary. So can NSFAS pay only for accommodation,allowance and Travel expenses?
Yes, NSFAS will work together with your other bursary. You need to notify NSFAS, your bursary and your tertiary institute of the arrangements.
just want to know why CUT want your results before you can get your pin. Since I’ve submitted my results last weak Thursday and I’ve got 24points I haven’t receive pin but people with 27points and above they have received pin I’ve got sms saying I’m funded but I dont have pin
I suggest you contact the financial aid office at CUT.
Hi am ayabonga…returning student bt first applicant. i just want to know whether can i be able to register with a status financial eligibility evaluated
No, I think you need to wait for a second message. Basically this message means you are eligible but they haven’t allocated funding to you yet. If you need to register urgently, phone NSFAS.
Good day, I applied for NSFAS but was rejected in January, I appealed and was successful last week. the problem is I had to register and pay the reg fees as I was not sure if I was going to get rejected again. I paid R5000 from family and friends. can I get that money back from nsfas or the university as people are hounding me for the money back.
Hi, You will be able to get the money back but it is going to take a while. After you sign a contract with NSFAS they will pay money to your institute. You can then request from the Financial Office at your institute that your money is returned to you.
Hi lm worried now because nsfas issued a list of people who was approved so my name doesn’t appear there and I got an email saying that I’m provincially funded so what must I do please help..from CUT
Take your letter to the financial office at CUT and ask them what you should do.
Hy am Sivuyile returning student bt first applicant at WSU my status says awaiting evaluation so i just want to know whether can i be able to register with this status
Please phone NSFAS and check that they have noted that you have changed institute. As you are first time at WSU I think your status will need to be resolved to register. As long as you passed more than 50% of your subjects you can expect to be approved.
Hy… My status says qualified bt unfunded does that mean i won’t get fundz or i will pay fees on my own
Hi, I am currently studying chemical engineering at UJ. I want to know if NSFAS can give me my accommodation money in my account because all the accommodations that are NSFAS accredited are full.
You will need to phone NSFAS and ask them.
Can NSFAS convert at least R 3 500 of my food allowance into transport fare, and deposit it straight into my bank account just as accommodation allowance? because i heard they say NSFAS do not cater for transport fare. if not what can i do then? because i am staying far from campus.
You will need to phone NSFAS and ask them.
hi.My Nsfas status says i am provisionally funded the thing is i did not get space at TVET..will nsfas pay for me if i apply for 2nd semester in june?
I don’t know the answer to that one. You’ll need to phone NSFAS and ask them. When you have the answer, please post it here?
Hi, I want yo know when can nsfas send the LAF form because I haven’t received that.
And if I’m leaving in an off campus residence,foes nsfas give me money for food?
I’m sorry,I meant does
Hi I am very worried, I received an email stating that I am provisionally funded, I did temporary registration at UNISA before, after I get an email I went to unisa to tell them about the email I get from nsfas they say I must wait the 2nd SMS saying that my registration have been finalized, its been so long waiting now how can I do
As far as I understand, if you have the email and you have registered then your funding is finalised. I think the person you spoke to at UNISA has made a mistake. If you can’t resolve it at UNISA, phone NSFAS.
hi. I’m a second year tvet student doing level 3 this year. I have been trying to apply for transport allowance because I’m now 70km away from my college and it’s so hard to go to school the whole week cause I spend R80 and more per day. I don’t want to jeopardize my 80% attendance because of lack of funds when coming to transport. last year I passed my level 2 with 6 distinctions because I attended everyday. what’s going to happen now that NSFAS has been sending me from pillar to post without a straight answer as to whether they’ll cover my transport? This year we were not given any platform to change our details as we are automatically funded. please tell me what to do because I did all I was supposed to do and sent all the supporting documents on 2 Feb 2017 and now the registration is closed and I don’t know what’s what?
Phone NSFAS and ask them.
I would like to know when I will be receiving my student allowances for each month, I signed all the necessary forms and handed it in to student funding on the 14th of February.
You will need to phone NSFAS and ask them.
My application status change from provisional funded to please go to apply tab to create new application,what does that mean?
Sorry to create application
Provisionally funded means you are funded as long as you go and register at a tertiary institute. Did you go and register? Did you tell the institute that you have NSFAS funding? If you have done this then the next thing is that NSFAS will send you a loan agreement. If you did not register or if you did register but did not tell your institute that you have NSFAS funding then something may have gone wrong. Phone NSFAS and find out. Tel No.: 0860 067 327 Email: info@nsfas.org.za
Thanks,yes I did register with my own money and I also got an SMS from NMMU
Hy if I paid my registration fee before nsfas fund me it Would be possible to institution to refund me with registration fee that I have been paid or I will not get it back?
Yes you should be able to get your money back but it may take some time. Once NSFAS have paid into your fee acccount you will have a fee credit (for the amount you paid). You can then request that money back through the financial aid office at your institute.
If am funded by nsfas and dropout in February am i going to repay full amount for the year?
For a start, don’t drop out. Withdraw properly. Go to the administration office at your institute and do the paperwork otherwise you are financially liable for your fees. Also go to your financial aid office and let them know you are withdrawing. They will pay back to NSFAS for your fees paid for the rest of the year. Ask them how to notify NSFAS that you are withdrawing. If you have signed a loan agreement with NSFAS then you do have to pay back the money they loan you whether you study or not. If you ever want to study and get NSFAS again, you need to make sure that they know you have withdrawn.
My question plz
Hey there I want to know is Nsfas using our cellphone numbers from 2015 when we applied manually or the details from the Nsfas accounted 2017 final year student (I lost my old number)
Best thing would be to email or phone them and make sure your details are up to date.
Hi Kath I want to know how can I sign for nsfas to pay for my other allowances except for my tuition fees since I have a busury that is only responsible for my tuition fees and it has already have paid for it. My problem is @ nsfas they’ve included my tuition fees in the LAF and I have signed the form.
Phone them and ask them to redo the LAF. You can have a bursary and NSFAS as long as everyone knows who is paying for what. You also need to notify your financial aid office at your tertiary institute.
Hi I applied for nsfas and I was approved but late so in uj the didn’t want me to register because they are close so ukzn confirm tht I could study withthem in the second semester so I wanted to know thy will nsfas pays for me as I will start in the second semester and in different varsity?
How do you find nafsas voucher number/ pin thing?
hi I’m currently trying to appeal nsfas and they requested a reference number in the form. Where could I get this reference number
Hi, your reference number is in the letter or email they sent you saying you were unsuccessful. Your letter will have looked something like the one below. Find your own reference number in the letter.
Dear Applicant,
We regret to inform you that your application for financial aid was unsuccessful, however, NSFAS will
re-evaluate your application from 15-02-2017.
Your application reference number is A201621086145236.
If you have any queries, please contact NSFAS on 0860 067 327.
Yours sincerely,
Hi I applied for nsfas and I was approved but the problem is that they approved me laye so in uj registration were close so they didn’t let me register. But in ukzn they said I could start studying with them in the second semester. So I wanted to what is it that im suppose to do at this stage, will nsfas pay for me i’ve if i start in June and in the different varsity? ???
Hi, I’m not sure about NSFAS and second semester. You should phone them and ask them. You can definitely get your university changed though.
Hi , I need to know that if nsfas is giving me allowance monthly, will it pay for my accommodation fees?
It depends what was offered on your letter from them. If you don’t have a letter, phone them and ask for it.
hi kath.I applied for NSFAS last year November. in January I was provisionally funded. now when I check my account it says go to the apply tab and I have registered with the University of Limpopo.. what might have went wrong?
Is it going to cover because if not I’ll have to deregister
That is really disappointing. If you really can’t find a way then make sure you withdraw properly and legally otherwise you are still responsible for the fees.
I got a message from nsfas that I’m provisionally funded pending at private university or tvet ,i registered with TUT but now when i check online at my account the dashboard says go to the apply tab to create application, whats does this mean??…..I’m stressed cause i only found it now that i should have informed the university that i have nsfas then they inform nsfas,what can i do?or is it possible to tell the university now that i got nsfas so that they inform nsfa.?….im confused
I mean public university or tvet college
Go and see the financial aid office at TUT and tell them you have NSFAS funding.
Hi.. I was provisionally selected at university of Johannesburg .. a d around December I’ve received the sms say my application was declined. .
. so last month around February I’ve received a sms from nsfas .. that says
. my nsfas finding for the university I have chosen was unsuccessful ,if I e nroll in any public tvet college .. my application might be reconsidered. .
… and they gave me the reference number
So I don’t know what to do because I think all the public tvet collages have closed thier application at the moment. ..
Hi, You are right. Applications are closed at all institutes now. You can apply for TVET for second semester but I’m not sure how NSFAS second semester funding will work out or whether you will have reapply to NSFAS. Best would be to ask at your nearest TVET college.
Hi kath! My application status has changed from provisionally funded to please go to apply tab and create new application and when I check application status online it says no data could be found on the system. What must I do because I have registered with the university
I got provisionally funded.so was just asking when will they give me my food money because everyone else here is okay.in Bloemfontein.CUT please tell NSAFS to help out this side please we are so hungry
Presumably someone was paying for your food before you were at CUT. Can’t they continue to help you out with food money until your NSFAS funding comes through?
Question is when will it come through????
I just want to know when will I get allowance for nsfas since I have already applied for it
I’m not sure. You could phone them and ask?
good day i would like to know they say that i should have a letter to prove my grandparents receives sassa isnt the copy of the sassa cards being certified also excepted or must it be a letter and about the sassa grants should they also get a banking statement or isnt it needed as long as i have copies of they’re cards certified.
Hi, If you have been asked for specific documents, you should provide them. Your Granny can get a letter from the SASSA office, as requested. Her bank statements are also required however if she does not have a bank account she can provide an affidavit stating that she is a pensioner receiving the SASSA grant only and does not have a bank account or any other source of income.
Hello, i started paying my NSFAS loan last year August until recent. when i started paying i was told that my balance is R 87 196, its been 7 months now since i started paying but my balance now is R 87 665.72 and i dont understand how plz help
Hi, you’d best phone NSFAS about that but one guess could be that they only add interest charges once a year and that date has come up since you started paying.
Hi kath! My application status has changed from provisionally funded to please go to apply tab and create new application and when I check application status online it says no data could be found on the system. What must I do because I have registered with the university
Hi, I’ve had this query a few times this week. I don’t know the answer but I’m going to make two guesses. 1. NSFAS have finished processing and instead of having a “finished processing” message which would have been helpful and reassuring, they just reset the whole system. OR 2. Your tertiary institute did not communicate with NSFAS that you had registered either because you didn’t tell them you have NSFAS funding or because something went wrong. If NSFAS think you didn’t register then your offer of funding has been withdrawn.
What I would do is start at the financial aid office at my institute and make sure they know I have NSFAS and that they have communicated my registration with NSFAS. If that is all OK then you can assume it is problem 1 and you just have to wait for your loan agreement to be sent through to you. If you still feel worried you can phone NSFAS and ask what is going on.
Nsfas has paid my fees but I haven’t receive a contract yet what must I do?
They said that I have to wait for LAF
last year NSFAS funded me then ths year january my application was unsuccessful due to low academic criteria so I appealed ..even today I still haven’t got the respond yet so should I be worried ?
Hi, I don’t know anyone who has gone through the appeals process so I’m not sure how long it should take. Best thing would be to phone NSFAS and see where it is up to.
Last year i applied for nsfas at Uj and i never received any feedback from them. So i heard that there was a list of students who was approved by nsfas and those who weren’t approved. My name was on the approved list with the status “qualify but not funded”, i would like to know what does that mean like I’m worried about my fees this year. I’ve got no one to pay for my fees and my mother is unemployed, im a first year student. Please help me.
Hi, I think it means that NSFAS ran out of money before they processed your application. With the old system it would mean you are on the waiting list. If someone drops out who is NSFAS funded then they can reallocate that funding to people who are waiting. You should phone NSFAS urgently and find out how it is going to work this year. You can also speak to the financial aid office at UJ and see if they have any advice.
Hi, I apply for NSFAS last year the 04 September 2016 by then only UFS had approved to study with them so I stated it on my application, and on the 17 of January this year(2017) I received an email saying I’m provisionally funded pending registration at any university or TVET so I apply for another institution which is UJ and within 3days of my application they approved me and now I’m currently studying at UJ but I haven’t received the funding from NSFAS
I am a first year student at UJ. I applied for Nsfas last year via their website for all the university that I was interested in studying, I got accepted at UFS and UJ and I got 2 sms from nsfas that said I was funded at any university /tvet college I can register for 2017 academic year. I chose to register at UJ which was not easy because they kept saying my funding was for UFS not UJ, but at the last minute I managed to register.
My main problem is that I cannot see myself on the list of UJ because the person who was helping me register said they are going to transfer my Nsfas from UFS to UJ I should not worry but now I am being sent up and down with no clear indication of a solution for me and I do not know which other channels to follow in order to see my student account with the funding that I have received. Kindly help me understand what I need to do to receive funding like other student.
Hi, Your funding should be transferred, just as the person who has helped you register is saying. There are huge backlogs at NSFAS. Even people registered at the institute originally stated on their application have not received a funding contract or any funds. I think you should just be patient with this. It is going to work out. If you are super worried though, the best course of action is to phone or email NSFAS directly.
Hi wanted to know what should one do,if they have’nt received any Sms or link from NSFAS to sign the Loan Agreement Form?…PLEASE HELP.
As far as I am aware, MANY people have not received their SMS or link yet. If you urgently need money/ food vouchers etc, you should contact NSFAS directly.
hey everyone;i received everything and finally got the vouchers but the main problem is i do not get accommodation so i’m worried that NSFAS will think that maybe i have a place to stay and i wonder they will pay for my accommodation when i get one
It depends what they offered you originally and what is in your contract. Some people get a living at home allowance/ accommodation allowance, and some don’t. Check your contract and see what it says.
please tell me, when will NSFAS pay private accommodation allowance, because the landlords want to chase us out.
Best will be to contact NSFAS directly.
Hi My name is Yashna and I’m studying at a university. I received a SMS on the 25/04/17 statting that i have been successful in NSFAS and reference number. How do i know whether its been paid. Did i really recieve the funding. Please help
Hi, The next thing is that they will confirm you have registered at a tertiary institute. They will then send you a funding contract to sign. Depending on what is in the contract they will then credit your fee account (you can check with your institute), credit your accommodation (ask for an updated statement from your accommodation provider) and send you S-Bux. S-Bux are vouchers sent to your cell phone that you can spend at NSFAS providers (like PickNPay). If you need more details you should phone NSFAS directly. Kath
Thank You
Do I inform them that I’m already registered in a tertiary institution or do they receive this information on their own?
They should find the information on their own however, if you are worried, you can phone or email them and let them know. You should also make sure your institute knows that you have NSFAS funding.
when will the Loan Agreement Form be closed
People are still receiving agreements. If you are worried, phone or email NSFAS
on the 3rd of april i received a message that i have been approved by nsfas but i have not received laf to sign but other students who received the same message as mine the same day and even after me has received their laf and are getting the money already but there is nothing for me. i only signed laf for NMMU loan (50000) for maintanance while we are waiting for nsfas on the 30th of march and we were suppose to wait for 2 days but i have beeen waiting for a month now but others received their money just after 48 hours
and i went to finincial aid they said i should call sbux and i did they just said i should wait.my foster care grant has stopped so i am really struggling
Hi Zisanda, If I were you I would keep phoning or emailing NSFAS until you get sorted. I know other families who have done this and it really pays off.
hi.. i was studying at TVET and completed with a balance of R9000 from NSFAS so my question is can i use that money to my next course i want to study in a different terciary facility?