Understanding Tertiary Acceptance

Imagine you are on a walk through lots of fenced fields with gates.  You have to go through each gate to get to the next field.  Tertiary acceptance is a lot like this.  It is important to understand the gates, even from as early as grade 9, so that you can make sure you are on the path that is right for you.

Getting on the path:  Generally, to even be on the path to tertiary acceptance, you must gain a Bachelor Pass (code 4/ 50% in FOUR approved subjects).  However there are a few certificate courses that you can do with lower level matric passes. Read more

September News

September News, click for link! – SAILI signs scholarship contracts with 28 new students and just as our recruitment finishes, we being a new cycle looking for 2017 Gr 8s!  Also see what our Grade 8s got up to at their recent outing and find out about school fees, the law and you.

Continuing education with NSFAS Bursaries

NSFAS Bursaries – Government Funding for Tertiary Education

Contact NSFAS:  Facebook message    Tel No.: 0860 067 327   Email: info@nsfas.org.za

Our previous NSFAS blog focused on how to apply to NSFAS and maximize the chance of a successful application.  This blog explains how to get NSFAS bursaries.  Similarly to the NSFAS loan, you must apply on time and with all the required paperwork attached.  Although you may be asked for proof of family income, there is no cut-off after which you will not be successful.  The intention of the NSFAS bursaries is to build interest in scarce skills sectors by attracting academically able and interested young people.  Financial need is considered as a factor but not the deciding factor. Read more

NSFAS- Show me the money!

Contact NSFAS:  Facebook message    Tel No.: 0860 067 327   Email: info@nsfas.org.za

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme, NSFAS, offer financial support for tertiary study in the form of loans and bursaries.  How do you get your hands on some of this money?  Read on to find out! Read more

HELP! I Can’t Pay My School Fees! What Does the Law Say?

School fees are in important consideration for both parents and schools.  Schools rely on fees to fulfill their budget requirements (AKA pay teachers etc).  Parents are not all equally able to meet the school fees set.  What can schools do about non-payment? What can parents do if they are really not able to afford to pay? Read more