
Teacher Troubles – Survival Strategies

With the very many subject teachers involved in teaching the high school curriculum, it is likely that all students will face teacher troubles at some time.  Our first blog  gave practical steps to help you identify and resolve teacher troubles.  However this process may take some time during which your marks may well start to suffer.   Whilst you are trying to figure things out with your teacher, you will still need to pass your class.  At no point is it OK to point at a terrible mark and blame your teacher.  Your marks are YOUR responsibility.   So here are some bad teacher survival ideas: Read more

Teacher Troubles – My Teacher Can’t Teach!

As a scholarship organisation with 110 kids in 12 schools, we get to hear about teacher troubles a lot.  The reality is that over the course of your high school life, you are going to have around 30 teachers and whilst some will be great and others will not.  What can you do?

Step 1:  Is this just me?

Start by evaluating your own behaviour.  Are you turning up to class on time?  Are you neat and respectful?  Are you participating in class, asking and answering questions?  Do you put your best effort into your homework?   If your behaviour and attitude are not up to scratch then this will affect how the teacher responds to you.  Teachers are more likely to interact with students who are motivated and positive about learning.  If you and your teacher are stuck in a negative cycle of interactions, it is up to you to change them.  Tidy up your appearance and behaviour and see if the problem goes away.

Step 2: Or is this the teacher? Read more

Already at High School – Scholarship Opportunities

If you are already at high school SAILI cannot offer you a scholarship.  Most high school scholarship funds select in Gr 6 or 7 to commence in Gr 8.   We do this to ensure that high school education starts off well.  For a list of scholarship opportunities for Gr 6s transitioning to high school, click here.  We are aware that older learners also need opportunities.  SAILI does not provide scholarships mid high school but there are a few options out there.  The organisations that recruit during high school are listed below.  You need to contact the organisations below directly.  You cannot apply by writing to this blog page. Read more

How to Read a School Report

Research has shown that the more actively parents participate in a child’s education, the better that child will do.  But don’t panic, you don’t have to actually understand the work your child is doing!  Just turning up at their school, for any event, has a positive impact on their work motivation.  Whilst you might not need to brush up on algebra, you should learn to read your child’s report. Read more