SAILI Matric Results 2013

Sometimes it is hard to get a real sense of a school or initiative’s actual performance. With the Matric pass requirements so low (30 % for subjects and the license to fail a few too), reporting 100% pass rate is not really that helpful.

More useful is the bachelors pass rate (which is only 100% in the very best schools) which does tend to give a much better perspective. Even these requirements are not that high – in short you need 50% in a four (mostly harder) subjects and not do too badly in the others (1 fail is acceptable).

This makes it quite hard for top end schools and programmes to differentiate themselves when it comes to performance.

We can report:

  • 100% matric pass
  • 100% bachelors pass
  • 100% maths enrolment
  • 100% maths pass
  • 100% physics enrolment
  • 100% physics pass

But eventually it gets a bit boring…

Suffice to say, SAILI students did very well last year. Here are the matric results 2013:


Two of our students were really stand-out performers: Razaan and Rabia both from South Peninsula High School got 6 distinctions each.

These results are a credit to the students, their schools, their supportive parents and our programme manager, Katherine Morse, who keeps on top of student performance.

Results like these really do make it a lot easier to raise the funds to continue to do the work we do.



2 replies
  1. Zuko
    Zuko says:

    To be honest, Saili played a huge role in all the successful matrics. Covering school cost from grade 8 and also offering tutors when we struggled is the best that could have been done. I salute thee all

    • Sam Christie
      Sam Christie says:

      Thanks Zuko. Do pop in to the office when you are in the area. I enjoyed our meandering conversations.

      All the best to you at varsity.


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