April News
Click here to read about SAILI April 2015!
Click here to read about SAILI April 2015!
Sometimes it is hard to get a real sense of a school or initiative’s actual performance. With the Matric pass requirements so low (30 % for subjects and the license to fail a few too), reporting 100% pass rate is not really that helpful.
More useful is the bachelors pass rate (which is only 100% in the very best schools) which does tend to give a much better perspective. Even these requirements are not that high – in short you need 50% in a four (mostly harder) subjects and not do too badly in the others (1 fail is acceptable).
Are you looking for a sponsor a child program with excellent, measurable results and long term impact? Watch our short film to see how much difference a high school scholarship can make to the future of a talented young person!
A big THANKS to The Answer Series for their generous discount on study/revision books for our Gr 11s and 12s! Practicing exam questions and past papers has been PROVEN to up your grades.